Just To Make Sure

…that I have this right.  Below is the evil, awful 15-round magazine as made by Glock:

And then what seems to be acceptable to the gun-haters:

Did I get that right?

I’m pretty sure that it would only take me a couple seconds longer to fire off 16 rounds from two magazines than 15 rounds from one.

Is this really the hill they want to die on?  Two seconds’ difference?  (figuratively speaking, of course)

(Next thing, California is going to ban the carry of more than one magazine on one’s person — ugh, perhaps I should shut up and not give them ideas…)

And of course, those .45 John Moses Browning boolets are going to arrive on target with, shall we say, a tad more authority than that lil’ 9mm Europellet.

I’ll stick to my 1911 and Chip McCormick mags, thank you.

“Quick, Martha…”

“…hand me mah smellin’ salts!”  From KrautPres / Reichkanzler Olaf Scholz comes this little bombshell:

We must finally deport on a large scale those who have no right to stay in Germany.

I’ll believe it when I see it, but you have to admit, it’s a first from any post-Mutti Merkel politician.

And in the same article, from Swissland:

Switzerland moved rightwards in an election on Sunday, giving the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) more seats in parliament as concerns about rising immigration outweighed those about the environment, final results showed on Monday.

Wait… the Green Nude Eel is starting to lose favor with, of all people, the Swiss?  And “concerns about immigration”?  Anyone would think that Swiss cities like Zurich have seen a massive increase in violent crime, mostly committed by “immigrants” of the Afro-Arab persuasion.

Oh, wait… they have.

Alternative Targets

We all saw how the foul Biden “Administration” tried to deport a (White, Christian) couple back to Germany for the supposed “crime” of homeschooling their children.

If they’re all fired-up about deporting people, how about this crowd?

As warnings of possible Islamic terrorist attacks within the U.S. intensify, a resurfaced clip shows hundreds of American children from the heart of Texas chanting references to Iran’s supreme leader and pledging allegiance to him, while praising martyrdom.

Note that I’m simply suggesting that we should deport this entire bunch of kiddie terrorsymps (and their parents, who are surely to blame for this nonsense) over to Iran, as opposed to granting them their wish for martyrdom.

For their own good, of course;  surely they’d be much happier under the benevolent rule of Khameini back in Shi’a-land, rather than having to endure the hardship of life in Texas?

In the meantime, we could revoke the citizenship of any and all of those who became such, either by naturalization or by birth.

Odds of any of this happening:  zero.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range for a little shooting practice, just in case any of those little assholes or their parents are tempted to bring their shit up to north Texas.

Worms Turning

…in Strylia?  Why, it looks as though even the Perpetually Supine (Covid Class) seem to have taken offense at the latest attempt to turn them (i.e. non-Aboriginals) into second-class citizens in their own country — to the dismay of their Betters:

Australia has overwhelmingly rejected Labor’s proposal for an ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’. Had the referendum been successful, it would have given the government a mandate to amend the constitution and create a body exclusively for Aboriginal Australians to advise parliament. After a long and divisive campaign, 60 per cent of Australians voted No to the initiative.

And you have to follow the link to see the response from The Usual Suspects (Down Under Division).

Sixty percent?  At last, some sanity.

Now all they have to do is stop cheating at cricket, and they might even become normal people.

Gentle Reminder

In case anyone here has been asleep for the past couple of decades, and just in case I haven’t been clear enough in the past (pictures say it best): 

Any questions?

Oh, and by the way:  for the past week, I’ve been wearing a kippah every time I leave the house.  Pity the fool.