Now THAT’S An Ally

In contrast to that asshole Commie Xi (see post above), I note that my current political crush EytiePM Giorgia Meloni called DJT to congratulate him on beating off [sic]  the Dark Side:

The conversation was “an opportunity to confirm the solid alliance, the strategic partnership and the deep and historic friendship that have always tied Rome and Washington,” she said.

During the phone call we expressed “our willingness to work in close coordination on all major international affairs, with the common goal of promoting stability and security, also in the framework of relations with the European Union,” she added.

The two agreed to “stay in close contact,” Meloni noted, to continue strengthening their “already excellent bilateral relations, founded on shared values ​​and principles.”

“Shared principles” include kicking out illegal migrants and hating on the mainstream Commie media.

Just to remind everyone of whom we speak:

My favorite international political hottie wasn’t finished:

Donald Trump was not the sole recipient of Meloni’s congratulations, which she also extended to billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, with whom she has had an ongoing rapport.

“In the past few hours I have spoken with my friend Elon Musk,” Meloni wrote on social media Thursday. “I am convinced that his commitment and vision will be an important resource for the United States and Italy, in a spirit of collaboration aimed at addressing future challenges.”

Musk has been an outspoken fan of Italy’s first female prime minister, declaring that she is “even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside,” on the occasion of presenting her with the Global Citizen Award on behalf of the Atlantic Council, a progressive American think tank, this past September.

Meloni “has done an incredible job as prime minister of Italy,” leading the country to “record economic growth and employment,” Musk said at the time.  “She is also authentic, honest, and sincere, something that cannot always be said of politicians,” Musk declared at the New York meeting.

Okay, so I’m not the only one with a crush on la nostra Giorgia.

Strange Feeling

I thought that when God-Emperor Trump won reelection, I’d greet the news with all sorts of loud triumphalism, glee and savage invective directed at those who attempted to harass / persecute / jail / assassinate him.

Instead, when I woke up yesterday morning, I read the news about his thumping victory — way beyond the possibility of fraud, which had been what I so feared for so long — and rather than all those feelings, I was simply relieved.  Thoughtful, almost.

And yes, I want as much as anyone for Trump to set about the various offenders (and the Deep State in general) with a chainsaw.

But I watched his acceptance speech, and none of the above was in evidence.  Instead, Trump appeared almost subdued, and in wonder of the miracle of his reelection.  (His new VP wasn’t — LOL)  In a way, I felt almost the same as Trump — just relieved that it was all over, and he could start to accomplish the unbelievable set of tasks that need doing if we are to rescue this nation from its Democratic-Socialist malaise of the past four years.

I mean, just think about it: ending  illegal immigration, creating the groundwork of economic recovery and rebuilding the military (in every sense).  Let’s not even talk about foreign policy — fucking hell, what a nightmare that’s going to be:  Israel/Iran, Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan — a veritable Gordian knot, all created by the feckless Biden (or to be more accurate, his handlers, i.e. the Obamas and the Clintons).  (We can talk about giving that little Socialist tit BritPM Starmer a gonad-kicking later, because compared to the latter issues, he’s small potatoes, ditto that Canucki shithead Castreaux.)

And then there’s the issue of going after the people who attempted to subvert his candidacy by unceasing lawfare — that, and the concomitant Deep Swamp Draining alone would tax any man, let alone this magnificent senior citizen.  Hell, I’m over a decade younger than Trump, and just listing his to-do list exhausts me;  and he has to carry it all out and make it happen.

Let’s just hope Trump can enlist the proper people to help him:  Mike Pompeo as SecState, perhaps, Elon Musk for “government efficiency” har har, and dare I suggest Gen. Erik Kurilla as SecDef (we need a fighting soldier in that job, unless Erik’s better suited to JCS, I dunno).

And let’s be honest, Trump’s gonna need Congress to help him.  I have no problem with Speaker Mike Johnson, who has often shown the Right Stuff, but that fucking old bastard Mitch McConnell in the Senate?  I have no patience to put up with him, the prevaricating old roadblock.

What everyone else on that side of the aisle needs to know is that Trump has received a strong mandate from The People to get the thing fixed.  And gawd help those Republicans who get in his way, because we all know that the Commies are going to go batshit on him.  So now is the time for support, not obstruction from his own party.  (And while I’m there, all those NeverTrump RINO assholes need a good thrashing, the fucking turncoats.)

Go get ’em, Mr. President-elect.  I can’t wait to see your Cabinet — and your list of potential Supreme Court nominees, while we’re there.

See what I mean about a big job?  It’s endless.

Let’s Hear It For The Pollsters

I think this little debacle — initially seen in 2016 with Trump’s first electoral victory — can be summed up thus:

So much for them, then:  they were as clueless as all their US counterparts, all of whom called the election as “close” when (barring vote fraud) it was never going to be anything like that.

I know, I know:  everyone tries to hedge their bets in the prediction game, but never so egregiously.  It was obvious to any disinterested observer that they were cooking the  stats by slanted sampling and so on.

One would think that the pollsters would have learned their lesson from 2016, but noooo.

What I want to know is:  why should we believe anything these assholes tell us from now on?

Anyone?  Bueller?

Unnecessary Advice

Via Insty, this:

Don’t Wear Your MAGA Hat to the Grocery Store Unless You’re Prepared to Defend Yourself

Note to the chattering classes:  I’m always prepared to defend myself.

IN fact, the reason I don’t wear a MAGA hat in public is because I don’t want to defend myself against some unhinged liberal asshole.

“You mean, a MAGA hat is worth more than a life?”

Anyone who would be foolish enough to attack me over so silly an issue has already made that decision.

Smiles And Scowls

While riding around yesterday after voting against Godless Communism, I saw some election posters.  Pick which one made me smile, and which made me scowl:

“Make Groceries Affordable Again — Vote Republican”


(some gibberish in a furrin alphabet) — Vote Republican”

Look, I understand that the Republicans want to be the Big Tent Party (FFS) and not cede the immigrant vote to the Democrats because the Commies have (successfully) painted them as Eeeevil Xenophobes or something.

But I have two points to make about the latter.

  • If immigrants have achieved citizenship and can therefore vote, is it too much to ask that they’ve learned to speak fucking English as part of that?  and:
  • If these new citizens can’t speak English, what’s the point of exhorting them to vote in English?

Fucking Republicans.  They couldn’t organize a gangbang even with this Australian houri  as the ringmistress [sic].