Follow The Science

From the mouth of President Biden:

…which, if my trusty old math brain still works (oy), would mean that the 5.56mm poodleshooter comes out of Biden’s AR-15 barrel at 22,750 feet per second, by comparing it to the similarly-sized .22-250 Remington bullet (4,550 FPS).

The actual muzzle velocity of the 5.56mm bullet is, as we all know, about 3,250 fps.

So President Brain-Dead was exaggerating by a factor of seven, or flat-out lying, or he was just in his customary state of senile dementia.  All three combined, of course, cannot be ruled out.

Legal Strangulation

Oh, this is nice:

Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, is calling on major credit card companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases.

Before I get stuck into this, let me just ask the relevant question first:  who gets control of the “flagged” purchases?

Because if it’s you, or the police, or anyone other than Gun Owners of America, you can all get fucked.

Of course, BankWoke will be only too pleased to get into Giffords’ rancid panties because #AllGunsAreEvil, and there isn’t a single bank that I know who would go against the Big Banks if they decided to do this.  (I wish Nolan Ryan’s R Bank would, but they don’t have any branches around here.  When they do… I’m gone.)

On a more cheery note:

On March 9, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Visa refused to succumb to the pressure, noting that it is not the credit card company’s job to “[set] restrictions on the sale of lawful goods and services.”

And as long as they do, I’ll continue to use Visa.

Different Imports

Maybe I’m being just a simple-minded Texan here, but when you see this situation occurring:

Tens of millions of Pakistanis have been forced to flee their homes and more than 1,000 are dead as devastating flooding threatens to drown an area the size of Britain, experts warned. One third of the country faces going under and entire villages have vanished, with dramatic footage capturing hotel collapses, helicopter rescues and narrow escapes among desperate residents. Foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said this morning from his home in flood-ravaged province Sindh, south-eastern Pakistan: ‘Around me is just water, water and more water. There’s not much dry land to be found. We’ve suffered a devastating monsoon [with] floods from the sky that have been going on since the end of June. It is a catastrophe on a scale that I have never seen before.’

And add it to this situation:

Astonishing pictures show a medieval village that was submerged by a reservoir a century ago and has now reappeared as a result of falling water levels.
The pictures come as droughts and hosepipe bans were being declared across the UK after weeks after weeks* of no to little rainfall.

…wouldn’t it make more sense for Britishland, at least for a year or two, to pause the importation of Pakistanis and replace it with importation of Pakistan’s water surplus?

*the proper grammar being “week after week” or, if multiple weeks, “month after month”, but let’s not get sidetracked.


Call this a product of my COVID-raddled brain, or at worst just an example of intellectual curiosity, but:

What if those 87,000 new IRS agents aren’t enough?

And I don’t mean sufficient in number to perform the increased number of audits that these godless fucks seem intent on inflicting us with, but sufficient to handle the — how can I put this delicately?  — potential bodycount.

I hope that this is just a delirium-induced thought, but there ya go.