Stolen Vote!!!

I arrived at the polling station in a good mood, having established beforehand that yes, I was a registered voter and registered to vote in 3rd District TX withal.  Also, I found the address of the nearest polling station and off I went, all ready to cast my primary vote against that little crapweasel Rep. Van Taylor and for the righteous judge, Keith Self.

My good mood evaporated when I got my ballot paper.  There, at the top of the list were three names I’d never heard of before.  So I went back to the polling folks and said, “I think there’s something wrong — these aren’t the 3rd District Republican House candidates.”

“Oh,” came the reply, “you’ve been redistricted into the 4th District.”
“No I haven’t.  I checked on the official website just a couple hours ago, and according to them, I’m registered in the 3rd.”
“Ah,” came the airy reply, “I don’t think the website was updated in time.”

I didn’t do what I wanted to do because I’d left my guns in the car and anyway, I think it may be illegal to destroy those poxy voting machines with gunfire.

So I didn’t vote for any of the strangers, because I don’t know them.  I did, however, vote for the Usual Suspects — Jim Abbot, Ken Paxton and the other top Republican worms, and pretty much nobody else except the names I already knew from previous elections.  (I nearly voted for ex-LTC Allen West instead of Abbott in protest, but he can run again, and then I will.)

I was going to write to the Governor demanding heads on pikes, or worse, for the incompetent assholes who are supposed to do this stuff — aren’t computer systems wonderful? — but I had to allow my wrath to cool, because apparently it’s against the law to say some of the things I was going to say.

Anyway, all has ended well, because the little crapweasel has canceled his reelection campaign, no doubt because he was only going to lose the runoff to Judge Self as more and more voters realized what a little crapweasel he really is.  Strange that in an ultra-conservative district, voters aren’t going to take too kindly to his support of anti-Trumpers and shagging some houri  extramaritally.

Which means that a former LTC and -judge and staunch conservative is going to Washington on our behalf.  I mean their  behalf, because I’ve been shunted out of his district.  I have no idea what the 4th District is all about, and now I know how the Wandering Jew felt.

By the way, in learning about the candidates, I discovered that two of the Democrat nominees are an ex-Californian and ex-Bostonian respectively.  Fuck me, that didn’t take long.

And thankee muchly to the Loyal Readers who emailed me about Crapweasel’s withdrawal.


New Blood Needed

Longtime Readers may remember that I held our former House Rep, the late Sam Johnson (PBUH) in the highest regard, and while I understood why he retired (age, Vietnam POW, etc), I was sad that he did, sadder still when he passed away last year.

He was replaced by a slightly oily little worm whom I’d actually met prior to his election as Mr. Sam’s replacement — but as he was the best of a rather poor bunch, I voted for him.

How times have changed.  Today is primary day, and Van Taylor is being challenged by several Republicans in the Third District.

Just so we’re all clear as to why Taylor’s being challenged, this slimy little RINO voted in favor of the disgusting Jan 6 House Commission (one of two Texas reps, and one of twenty-three Reps nationwide to do so).   He’s proven himself to be a Never-Trumper, and I’m not going to vote for him.  (He’s also been caught bonking some chick in Washington, but I don’t care as much about that as the other stuff.)

Looking over the candidates, former judge and arch-conservative Keith Self seems to have the right stuff:

Infantry Platoon Leader, Special Forces Detachment Commander, Company Commander, as the Executive Officer to a Major General in Egypt, responsible for managing $2 Billion in security assistance.  In addition, Keith served in Joint Staff assignments in US European Command and later in NATO Military Headquarters in Belgium.
During his career, Keith received the Master Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, and held some of the highest level of security clearances. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Upon retiring from the U.S. Army after 25 years of service, Keith ran for and was elected County Judge in Collin County. In that position, Keith stood up for us when others wouldn’t—cutting taxes 25%, defending private property rights, and solving the pension crisis.

See you at the polls today, Judge.

Fed Forces Gather

Well, now:

The Department of Defense (DOD) said that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved the deployments of the guards, which had been requested by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and U.S. Capitol Police (USCP).

“The people who live, work and visit the District are part of our community, and their safety is our first mission priority,” Maj. Gen. Sherrie L. McCandless, D.C. National Guard commanding general, said in a statement to news outlets.

Sure sound nervous about a bunch of truckers, don’t they?  Oh wait:

“Our MPD and USCP partners have asked for our help in ensuring people can demonstrate peacefully and safely, and we stand ready to assist.”

Oh, so they’re going to guarantee the safety of the protesting truckers, are they?  Against whom, precisely?  BLM?  Zombies?  Militant vegans?

Fucking lying bastards.

And since when was the National Guard a “partner” to law enforcement?  (I know, since forever, never mind that pesky Posse Comitatus  thing.)

Anyway, here’s the tally:

The approval will enable around 400 D.C. National Guard members to “provide support at designated traffic posts, provide command and control, and cover sustainment requirements.”

“Sustainment”?  Getting food and such to the protesters?

Guards deployed to the area will not be armed and will not help with law enforcement or carry out domestic surveillance activities.

Pull the other one.  Fool me once, etc.

Austin also approved USCP’s request for assistance for up to 300 National Guard troops from outside the Washington area to help at certain traffic posts and Capitol entry points, Breitbart reports. That will begin later than 7 a.m., on Saturday, February 26, according to Breitbart, who note that 50 large tactical vehicles will also be placed at designated traffic posts on a 24-hour basis in the area.

“50 large tactical vehicles”, eh?  And their purpose is… what, exactly?  How about this:

Police around DC area have told the [National] Guard that the trucker convoy intends to shut down the [DC] Beltway and major roads leading in and out of DC. The Guard is scrambling to secure heavy tow trucks to haul away semis which may try to block roads.

My question (and it’s a serious one):  Are the feds trying to provoke a confrontation?

The evidence seems to support that they are.


An interesting piece sent from Loyal Reader Bill V arrived in my email.  For the first time, it gives a name for the two groups facing off against each other all over the world — the Physicals and the Virtuals.  Read it, it’s all good, but this is especially noteworthy:

The thinking classes are fatally removed from the physical side of life… Their only relation to productive labor is that of consumers. They have no experience of making anything substantial or enduring. They live in a world of abstractions and images, a simulated world that consists of computerized models of reality – “hyperreality,” as it’s been called – as distinguished from the palatable, immediate, physical reality inhabited by ordinary men and women. Their belief in “social construction of reality” – the central dogma of postmodernist thought – reflects the experience of living in an artificial environment from which everything that resists human control (unavoidably, everything familiar and reassuring as well) has been rigorously excluded. Control has become their obsession. In their drive to insulate themselves against risk and contingency – against the unpredictable hazards that afflict human life – the thinking classes have seceded not just from the common world around them but from reality itself.

Hence their hatred of the working classes — the “Physicals”.  (By the way, you may recall the predicament of Manhattanites about a decade or so ago, when told they needed to seal off their apartment windows with duct tape against aerial contamination — and learning that these twinks not only didn’t know what duct tape was, they had no idea where to buy it.  It was funny back then;  it’s a fact of life for them now.)

We are heading for interesting times.

Here We Go…

….aaaaannnnd: they’re off!!

The People’s Convoy has announced plans to make its way across Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas before cutting through Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois, with additional stays in Indiana, Ohio, and Maryland before reaching the nation’s capital. Details of stops and precise routes were not specified.

“To our elected officials that believe they rule us: YOU work for US,” the group wrote. “Our constitution was written to provide enough power to act on a national level, but not enough to deprive the people of fundamental rights. The people are prepared to see this challenge through — as we have seen through all challenges to our Freedom in the past. And we will prevail and prosper.”

I’m just wondering if I should hitch a ride with them if they come anywhere near North Texas…  watch this space.