Adding Words

I think that other than when talking about new technology (for which no word) exists, the English language can do without any wholesale addition of new words, especially the conversion of nouns to verbs (“verbing”) and using industry-specific terminology (e.g. cops “surveilling” a suspect, don’t even get me started on lawyers), and so on.

Yes, I am fully aware that one of English’s greatest strengths is its ability to borrow, purloin or outright steal words from other languages, but that’s not the point of this discussion.

Two new words have come to my notice, both have to do with political elimination of either rivals or embarrassments, and I love them.

The first (and most obvious) word is the new noun/verb to “Epstein” someone, i.e. to kill or have someone killed in such a manner as to make it appear like suicide, even though it’s manifestly impossible for that to have happened without some kind of conspiracy.  Other than the eponymous source, one could easily apply the term to the erstwhile Clinton associate Vince Foster, Republican operative Pete Smith or reporter Chris Sign.  (That all the above were involved with the Clintons is purely coincidental [eyecross]. )

The second new word is the verbing of the word “pillow”, i.e. to murder someone more discreetly than by the usual shooting or stabbing, for example.  The Z-Man provides an example in his fine analysis of the two (Biden vs. Clinton) wings in the Democrat Party, which concludes thus:

The Biden people are not without their options. The one important card they have is that Harris is a weird blend of stupidity and offensiveness. She had all the resources one could want in the primary and managed to drive her own popularity down to zero by simply being herself. Having a dementia patient in the White House is manageable but a bitter ingrate with a chip on her shoulder is a problem. Putting Angry DMV Lady in the Oval Office could turn out to be a bigger disaster than Afghanistan.
Of course, the other option is to find a way to remove Harris first and replace her with someone the party can trust. Then they can pillow Biden before the midterm and run the sympathy script they have ready.

That pillowing is likewise related to the Clintons is purely coincidental.  Of course.

Here’s A Thought

Apparently some washed-up bureaucrat wants to deport Trump supporters to Afghanistan:

Retired Air Force general and former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden endorsed sending “MAGA wearing unvaxxed to Afghanistan” on board empty cargo planes.

…which led to this excellent response:


Although I’d like to have a little blue-sky fun, here.  (Please note the “fun” word;  it’s important.)

The population of Afghanistan is about 35 million.  Why shouldn’t President Braindead suggest that instead of resettling a couple-three thousand Afghans in the U.S., we should effect a complete swap of populations:  all Afghans (the whole fucking lot) into the U.S.

Then settle all 60-70 million Trump supporters (and their personal fortunes) in the now totally-denuded country of  Afghanistan, who can set up a government according to First Constitutional principles.  Along with them would come the state/National  Guard units (and all their equipment, materiel and supply chain infrastructure) of all the states which Trump carried in 2020, to serve as the military force of the new nation of Calvinia (after Coolidge, the model for all our Presidents to follow)

Within a year, the new nation will have ski resorts, hotel chains, casinos and flourishing agricultural and tech industries that would be right up with the best of them.  Also, proper roads, apartment complexes, hospitals and churches.

Now if you look at a map of the blighted place:

…you’ll see a few problems, e.g. that that Calvinia is surrounded by a whole bunch of -stans (and Iran onto the bargain), but we could serve notice on all of them that we’re there to stay, and nuke places like Teheran or the Turkmenistan oilfields if they start playing games, just to keep them in line.

Don’t ask me whether I’d rather live next door to some Portland Pantifas than some Muslim assholes, because I haven’t made up my mind yet.  Both are equally foul, to be frank.

The best part of all of this, though, would be watching from a distance as the former United States implodes into a patchwork of balkanized, impoverished settlements as they attempt to assimilate all 35 million rabid Afghan Muslims.

Or — and this may be a better idea — we could just forcibly deport the 35 million-odd diehard socialists in this country to Afghanistan, and let them try to turn it into the utopia of diversity and wokeism that they desire.

Either way, we’d be rid of them, and they of us, so it’s a win-win deal.

Not Just A Rug Anymore

I’ve often talked about how there’s no point in admitting immigrants — and especially refugees (like Rep. Ilhan Omar, for example) — when they are not interested in becoming part of the national culture, and in fact are actively hostile to it.

It seems as though Austria is starting to see the wisdom in those words, albeit too late.

Read the rest to see exactly why.

And note that the Austrians can’t change their laws to reflect their new reality and deport said criminals and rapists back to their shithole of origin, because they are governed by EU law in this regard, and cannot change it.

I can hear yet another Brexit-sigh of relief coming from Britishland…

Resignation Mixed With Glee

As the Year Of The Biden Shitshow rumbles on, I find myself in the curious situation of caring deeply about people getting shafted in, for example, Afghanistan, and not caring a shit about it all.

The reason for my glee is that I think the country is realizing — finally — that the Left has no clue.  No clue about how to govern, about how to manage foreign policy, about formulating any kind of social policy that isn’t a rehash of failed socialist dogma not only of the past but of the recent past, and absolutely no clue about how to fight and win a war.

As a single individual, there’s pretty much nothing I can do about any of it, really.  Al I can do is to chronicle and comment on the depths of scorn with which one can describe their flailing and ineffectual attempts to manage… well, everything.

Over the weekend, I read this article by Erik at No Paseran! in which he states:

[T]he members of the Biden administration, like the drama queens in all Democrat administrations, knows that the true enemies of America, of the planet, and of all mankind are not the Taliban, the Islamists, the Chinese, the Russians, the Soviets, the communists, etc, etc, etc.
The top pressing issue is to turn the United States government and the United States military against those whom all leftists, both in America and abroad, know are America’s, are humanity’s, true enemy — the Republicans, i.e, the American people who still believe in the country, in the flag, and in the Constitution. Also known as fascists, as Nazis, as Adolf Hitlers, and — to this administration — as “insurrectionists” and as “domestic terrorists.”

Of course, we conservatives have known about this forever — the principal weapon of the Left is to dehumanize and demonize their political opposition — so Erik’s comment is accurate indeed.

But for the first time in a long time I feel okay about it.  And that’s because I just know that the Left is going to fuck that up just as badly as they’ve managed the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

(In passing, I see that the Biden Bunch have banned imports of Russian-made ammo and  -firearms for a year.  It’s a little late for that, assholes.  Just about everyone who wants an AK-47, AK-74 or Dragunov already has one;  there are shitloads of said guns still in people’s houses all over the U.S., and ditto for the various Russkie ammo calibers.  The guys at Prvi Partizan, to name but one ammo manufacturer, must be ramping up production and hiring extra shifts.)

If what Erik says is prophetic, i.e. that after pulling us back from all “foreign entanglements”, the Democrat Administration and even the Democrat part of Congress will be devoting all their attention to suppressing conservative America, I’m just laughing.

Their attempts to jigger voting procedures in their favor have stalled or failed, and let us not forget they have to do it all before most of them get tossed out in the mid-term elections of 2022 (15 months, and counting down).

The other thing that makes me gleeful is that even if these assholes are successful in suppressing their domestic political opposition (unlikely), the Great Reset they’re always talking about is not going to turn out quite the way they expected.  But by now, the Left should be quite used to the concept of unforeseen outcomes — the word “unexpectedly” is by now very familiar to them.

Bring it on, fuckwits.

We Are The Enemy

Over at the Treehouse, Sundance outlines how We The People have become the enemy of the governing class:

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement yesterday, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE]  According to the statement, if you question the orthodoxy, mandates, or COVID-19 response from the U.S. government, you are now considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

You know, if you treat people as the enemy long enough, and provoke them often enough, they will eventually become exactly what you accused them of at the beginning.

Just sayin’.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.