Close Call

Looks like New Wife just snuck in under the wire:

President Joe Biden has issued a travel ban on South Africa, stopping most immigration to the United States from the country, and reinstated bans on Europe and Brazil to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

My only question is:  why stop at South Africa?  When it comes to strange and wonderful diseases that can kill you faster than sharing a needle with Pete Buttigieg in a Turkish bath, the whole continent of Africa (along with China) is pretty much the world’s Petrie Dish Of Pox:  West Nile virus, Wuhan virus, SARS and, speaking of Mayor Buttplug, AIDS — to name just a few off the top of my head.

Anyway, New Wife has her green card, but that hasn’t really made her feel much better.  She has two grandchildren in Oz and soon, another one appearing in Seffrica — none of whom she’s had a chance to see other than through Zoom and suchlike.  So she’s suffering from a severe case of Grandma Cuddle Deprivation (GCD), and all these travel bans and such are not doing her temper any favors.

Even worse, she barely drinks any booze so I can’t distract her with pints of champagne or Pimm’s No.1 (her favorite tipples on birthdays, anniversaries and high holy days only).

Frankly, unless all this Chinkvirus shit gets sorted in the near future… well, she doesn’t know how to use a gun (shuddup) and in any event, she’s one of the gentlest people in the entire world, so there’s unlikely to be any rough stuff as her GCD worsens.

I’m probably just going to need to buy her favorite chocolate by the metric tonne…


Now Where Have We Seen This Before?

I always love it when the Left does Hitler things, after (wrongly) accusing conservatives of being Nazis.  Here’s but the latest example:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that “it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency.”  Because this would allow him to “do many, many things” without legislation. Schumer also argued that “if there ever was an emergency, climate is one.”

From Wikipedia:

The Enabling Act of 1933, formally titled Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (“Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”), was a law that gave the German Cabinet —- most importantly, the Chancellor —- the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or consult with the Weimar President Hindenburg, and to override fundamental aspects of the Weimar Constitution.
The Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers and followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which had abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the Reich government. The combined effect of the two laws was to transform Hitler’s government into a legal dictatorship and laid the groundwork for his totalitarian regime.

Hitler at least had the grace to wait a year after he was elected.  Biden?  Less than a month.

Now I’m not calling Biden and Chuck the Schmuck “Nazis”.  But they sure are acting like they are.

Not Gonna Happen

Oh, here’s a charming little piece.  The post heading reads:

The Seditionists Need A Path Back Into Society

…and it’s all about how the Left can make accommodations to learn to live with us, the poor misguided 75 million people who actually voted for Trump in 2020.

Whom she charmingly calls, “Seditionists.”

Now I’m not going to fisk the whole article because I’m trying to keep my breakfast pint of gin to only one per day, but let me just make one observation.  Here’s an example of Applebaum’s towering condescension:

Not all Republicans are seditionists, nor is everyone who voted for Trump, nor is every conservative: Nothing about rejecting your country’s political system is conservative.

Here’s a tip for The Atlantic  and its writers:

We’re not rejecting our country’s political system.  We’re protesting the fact that our votes were nullified by massive injections of fraudulent ballots in states which would otherwise have gone overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. 

Or, put another way:  if our political system — the one that the Left seems to have installed — is now going to systematically allow wholesale criminal alterations of voting preferences by the addition of fraudulent ballots:  then fuck yes, we’re going to reject it.

Until such time as you understand this, there will never — never — be any kind of accommodation towards the Left by us conservatives.

What happened at the Capitol wasn’t an “insurrection”, it was a protest.  If you want to see an insurrection — and I promise you, you don’t — just keep squeezing us:  keep calling us names such as “seditionists”, keep preventing us from getting jobs because of our political philosophy, keep talking about “re-educating” or “reprogramming” us and our children into obedience to your foul Marxist doctrine, keep shutting us out of social media, keep muzzling conservative voices, keep trampling all over our First Amendment rights in general, keep trying to infringe our Second Amendment rights, and in short, keep trying to push us out of the American society and polity.

You Marxists think that the protest at the Capitol was the bite of a savage dog (you know, the one that keeps getting teased until it snaps).  It wasn’t a bite — it wasn’t even a nip.

So keep trying to take away conservatives’ votes (like with the horrible “For the People Act of 2021”, which entrenches the wrongdoing of 2020).  Just remember the switch in the above picture.

As your own Glenn Greenwald has written:

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming
No speculation is needed. Those who wield power are demanding it. The only question is how much opposition they will encounter.

Good question.

If, that is, you’re going to categorize all 75 million of us as “terrorists”.  That should be interesting.

Warm Up The Engines

When I saw this linked at Insty’s, I nearly fell over.   It’s an overview of the very first bill (H.R.1) proposed by the new House of Representatives, the grand-sounding “For the People Act of 2021”, whose preamble reads:

To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.

This has to be a hoax because the bill, if anything, entrenches all the above.

Except that it isn’t a hoax.  To check on that before I posted anything, I looked it up at, and here it is, in all its disgusting splendor.

If one — ONE — Republican legislator in either chamber votes in favor of this, they should be subject to recall in their districts and replaced with someone who understands the actual sanctity of the vote.

That’s my official position.  The unofficial position I’ll leave to your imagination, but here’s a clue:

Read more

Out Of Touch

This one actually made me laugh out loud when I read it last week — and then I promptly forgot about it because it seemed so ridiculous, it was hardly worth a post. I’ve changed my mind about that part of it, however.  Here’s what made me snort my morning gin out my nose:

So as Republicans survey the Trump defeat and the debris of yesterday’s unseemly chaos in the nation’s capital, we would do well to reflect on past moments of success and consider how we can recapture the moral high ground, the policy initiative, and the hearts of American voters in the next election.
I submit the following question for consideration: Can we consider, once more, some of the guiding principles of Ronald Reagan? To be sure, these principles are not exclusive to Reagan, but he seemed to bring the right blend of substance, vision, and communication skills that made these ideas consequential.

Yup… here we go again with the old (and failed) “moral high ground” argument, where it’s okay to lose as long as you do it with style and grace.  It’s called the “magnificent loser” mentality, and Republicans have, over the years, turned it into a high art.

The problem (for those of my few Younger Readers who never heard of the man, another topic for another time) is that Reagan managed to communicate his vision and policies in an era when the Press was not a bunch of rabid Leftist dogs and Congress was not the cage fight it is today.  It was, amazingly enough, a more gentlemanly era, maybe the last gentlemanly era in American politics, where one side listened respectfully to the argument of the other, admitted its good points, and then set about coming to some kind of compromise because Reagan wasn’t the Worst Thing Since Hitler, his policy initiatives were not Eeeevil Rayyycism and the consequences of White Entitlement, and all Reagan’s supporters were not NaziFascist scum who should be sent to reeducation camps.

Reagan’s governing style was very much a product of his time — actually, it was a style which hearkened back to a still-earlier time than the 1980s, but a style which most people (both Right and Left) not only recognized, but respected.

It should also be remembered that while Reagan did a lot of good, many of his policies would prove to be an abject failure — “Just Say No To Drugs” being perhaps the most egregious of them all, as we have since discovered.

Reagan’s adherence to the Marquis of Queensberry’s Rules of Boxing, in other words, wouldn’t work today when the other boxer brings his brother into the ring with him armed with brass knuckles and a baseball bat, the referee turns a deaf ear to his protests, the judges award his opponent twice as many points for the same number of blows landed, the Boxing Commission always rules against his appeals, the Press think that he’s a cheating bastard, and half the public is in favor of banning boxing competition altogether.

That is the world we conservatives find ourselves in now, and even to imagine that a return to the rules of a bygone era has any chance of success is not only idiotic, it’s subversive — which, to be frank, the Gentry Republicans have always been towards actual conservatism anyway.

And no greater example of idiocy can be found in the article’s title, which suggests that “Trumpism” is something to walk away from, despite the fact that more people voted for Trump (both in raw numbers and as a percentage of total registered voters) than ever voted for Reagan — this number coming in spite of many conservatives not voting for Trump because they despised him, but still more not necessarily liking Trump the man himself, but voting for him anyway because they approved of his handling of the economy, foreign policy, trade policy and immigration policy.

That is the point of Trump’s presidency:  if you ignore all the petty stuff like those annoying off-the-cuff tweets and silly personal attacks on not only opponents but sometimes supporters too, Trump’s achievements would actually rank right up there with the records of any U.S. Presidents, and a lot better than many (Carter, Obama coff coff ).

And this is what Establishment Republicans (GOPe) want us conservatives to walk away from?

No wonder I laughed.