1789 Encore

Adding to the panic-stricken voices of the Left Over Here, FrogPres “Manny” Macron weighs in:

Emmanuel Macron has warned the public that “civil war” awaits France if they fail to vote for his brand of centrist neo-liberalism in the upcoming legislative elections.

I guess it should be noted that while we Murkins had our own little shindig just before the Frogs had theirs, we are (as a nation) less likely to repeat the exercise — although I may stand to be corrected, if the 2024 elections are of a certain type.

The Frogs, however, are a lot more volatile, as I’ve mentioned before.

Mind you, that’s not to say that the French governments of recent times haven’t earned such a shitstorm, as the popularity of the National Rally has proved.  But then again, our own .gov hasn’t exactly earned the respect of the populace either, so…

All this, however, takes place in an environment in which the Brits seem most likely to be about to commit national hara-kiri  themselves, by tossing out (on, ironically, July 4) their own Stupid Party (the not-so-Conservatives) and replacing them with the reliably-Communist Labour Party.  But I digress.

Back to the French:  the 1789 Revolution took place against a political and social order which was manifestly unjust and in many cases actually malevolent, wherein an unelected power elite (the Royalty and Church) ran the country at the expense of ordinary people.

It remains to be seen, then, whether the French will revolt against their government again, for precisely the same reasons — only instead of the Royalty being the villains, there is the European Union (only nominally elected by the French citizenry) and instead of the Church, the multiple “religions” of socialist and Green policies.  It sounds like a facile comparison, but clearly it’s enough to frighten Macron, which is why he’s sounding the alarm.

And finally:  after our Revolution, we didn’t hack off the heads of the deposed ruling class, but the Frogs sure as hell did.

So maybe Macron and his lizard people have a right to be fearful.

It’s going to be interesting — in both countries.

Too Polite By Half

Here’s a story which is quite heartening:

The people in question are with the American Accountability Foundation in Kentucky, and they are busily engaged in a project that I’ve been hoping to see all throughout the current presidential campaign. Tom Jones of the AAF received a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation to do some important research work. They are poring through the backgrounds of federal workers, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They are checking public comments and social media posts, looking for swamp dwellers who may be opposed to the policies of Donald Trump should he return to office next year. They plan to publish a list of as many as 100 names later this summer, and those people may have to rethink their future career prospects if Trump returns to the White House.

There are, however, a couple of things which make me do a Lemon Face.  Firstly, while “accountability” is all well and good, what I’d really like to see is some kind of awful consequences for the disloyal (and perhaps criminal and treasonous both) government stooges, especially those who proudly proclaimed that they were doing their best to undermine the Republican administration.

I’ve always said that the State Department implements the foreign policy of the Democratic Party, regardless of which party is in power.  It’s a mordant comment, good for an amused smile, perhaps.

The time for that accommodation is over, or should be.

Just as Trump came to power in 2016 with a pre-vetted list of federal judges ready to be nominated and sworn in, I want him to arrive in the Oval Office in 2025 with a similar list of judges, to be sure — but with another list of Swamp apparatchiks who need, at best to lose their jobs, but preferably with some kind of legal censure — e.g. prosecution — and not just the prospect of losing their little place at the poxy government trough.

That little totalitarian cocksucker Anthony Fauci, for example, needs to spend his last years on earth in some dank federal prison for causing — and admitting he caused — untold harm to American society by his actions as a federal employee.  And he’s just the most egregious example.  There are a lot more than “100 names” who need to be kicked out of government and punished for their disgusting behavior.  Losing one’s job is a pointless “punishment” if all it means is a well-paid talking-head job on NBC or any of the other alphabet soup socialist-supporting media companies.  These bastards need to be punished.  At the very least, they should forfeit their government pensions:  they abused their positions, and don’t deserve to reap any benefits.

I know, I know:  this is not a good precedent to set because it will make people leery of working on government.  That, my friends, is a feature and not a bug.

What I’d like to see in Trump’s very first week as POTUS is a head-of-state summit with Argentina’s Javier Milei, both as an amicable confirmation of shared principle, and an exchange of ideas as to implementation of policy.

It appears that the Socialists — people like Kathy Griffin, Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow — are scurrying around like frightened mice at the prospect of Trump throwing people in jail when he comes to power.  I would advise Trump and his advisors to do precisely that;  just not to waste time with irrelevant nonentities like the above harpies, but to get serious with the actual bad agents like James Clapper, the entire upper management of the Justice Department and the Pentagon, and the authors of this documentfor starters.  The State Department, EPA and so on can wait until Year Two of the 47th President’s term.

We don’t need an accounting;  we demand a reckoning.

From My Inbox

…news from Amazon:

Well now:  considering that the CEO of GrubHub has publicly stated that Trump supporters/MAGA types need not bother applying for positions at his company, I think it’s only fair that this Trump supporter/MAGA type refuses to do business with his poxy company, ever.  Even if it’s free.

Okay Fine

From the looniest bitch (among many):

Thank you for helping me make up my mind, Kathy.  Hope you’re prepared for your suggested outcome because I suspect we are, more so than you.

(Did she think we were going to be scared?)

Cold Hard Resolve

Of all the comments I’ve read about the Trump verdict so far, Bonchie (over at RedState) has the best take:

So now what?

Some aren’t going to like this, but the answer is to suck it up and do what it takes to win in November. Shouting at the sky, making all-caps posts on social media, and continuing to talk about how unfair everything is won’t move the needle. Trump was nominated knowing this was the likely outcome. None of this is a surprise. This is not the time to quiver. It’s the time to strike back.

This isn’t about liking Trump or not. It’s not about whether he should have been the nominee. There will be time for post-mortems after the election. Right now is the time to get up off the mat and do everything possible to make Democrats regret this for the good of the country and the credibility of the judicial system.

That, and lay in more supplies of ammo.

Because if Trump is sworn in as POTUS in January, the S may well HTF.  We won’t start it, but we may well have to finish it.

Changing The Playing Field

I have to say that I like this move:

Thirteen fed-up counties in liberal Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho.

The proposal seeks to move the Oregon border 200 miles to the west, meaning that 14 counties and several partial counties would fall under Idaho state lines.

Here’s what the redrawn boundaries would look like:

I have no idea how all this would work, but it sure beats back the tired old “If you don’t like it here, then leave”  trope, to be replaced with “Sure we’ll leave, but we’re going to take all that farmland and our tax dollars with us”.

Needless to say, the Washgov (not to mention the feddle gov) is going to fight against this tooth and nail.

Get to it, guys, and git ‘er done.