Quote Of The Day

Seen in some newspaper article or other Somewhere On Teh Intarwebz (SOTI):

…a.k.a. the “You Don’t Say!” department.

That said, I once made a used-car salesman so angry that he challenged me to a fight outside the showroom.  Connie just looked at him, then looked at me and said:  “Just don’t kill him, okay?”

Challenge was withdrawn.

Quote Of The Day

On life:

“Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going?” ― Tennessee Williams

Actually, by that definition, there’s no such a thing as a “present moment”.

Discuss among yourselves.

Afterthought:  I apologize for the unwarranted gravity of this post.  And now, we return to the topic of Salma Hayek’s boobs.

Quote Of The Day

From Lincoln Brown at PJMedia:

“MindGeek doesn’t care about free speech. Porn is big money, and MindGeek and its associates want as much of that money as they can get, no matter what the human damage may be.”

All very noble and moral etc.  Now let’s just substitute a few words:

“The federal government doesn’t care about free speech. Taxation is big money, and the government and its associates want as much of that money as they can get, no matter what the human damage may be.”

Works, dunnit?