Quote Of The Day

From Ishmael:

In France, food prices rose by 65% between 1770 and 1790 but wages increased by only 22%. Price increases were attributed to government failure to prevent profiteering. Poor harvests throughout the 1780s, culminating in the most severe winter for decades in 1788/1789, created a rural peasantry with nothing to sell, and an urban proletariat whose purchasing power had collapsed. The other major drag on the economy was state debt.
Sounding familiar?

Indeed it is.  Not that I’m suggesting anything, but lately I’ve noticed quite a few writings on Teh Intarwebz that include sentiments symbolized by things like this:


Cometh the time, cometh the mob.  Just sayin’.

Quote Of The Day

From the Knuckledragger:

“You know, a wise person would take a look at the [Bud Light] ad and the losses that Anheuser-Busch has taken, put two and two together and then realize that the huge majority of Americans are sick and tired of this tranny bullshit.”

Silly rabbit:  that assumes the existence of wisdom in Corporate America.

Quote Of The Day

From Ben Shapiro:

“As it turns out, the logic of the Left is now that, if you are a trans person who murders a bunch of Christian school kids, this is the fault of the society that refuse to accept you for who you truly are.”

Don’t get me started…

Quote Of The Day

From Theodore Dalrymple:

“There is often more heroism in a life of quiet decency than in one of flamboyant deeds;  but our minds are like those of bower birds, attracted to the bright, shiny, meretricious, and sensational.”

I wish I could write like that.  The thought isn’t even central to Dalrymple’s essay;  it just sits there, like a beautiful flower at the side of a busy interstate.