Quote Of The Day

From Kenny, a quick summary:

“I’ve yet to meet a single person who’s happy with runaway inflation, a biased ‘justice’ system, gas prices, material shortages, pedophiles indoctrinating our kids, increased taxes, paying off somebody else’s student loans, and loss of liberties. Not one person.”

The whole rant is even better.

Quote Of The Day

We have a 3-for-1 series of quotes today:

From former Hong Kong governor Sir John Cowperthwaite, talking about his refusal to let his government collect data from the population:

“If I let them compute those statistics, they’ll want to use them for planning.”

From Eric Erickson, speaking about the BidenReich and the latest example of its bastardy:

“They don’t care about your privacy. They don’t care about your gun rights. They don’t care about congressional laws that prohibit the formation of a gun registry. They want to be able to target and harass gun owners.”

Mencken’s reminder:

“The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol to his head. Put it in his hand and it’s goodbye to the Bill of Rights.”

Never more true than it is today.

Quote Of The Day

From Hugo Gurdon:

“We’re now able, with our dazzling technology, to look billions of light years from the surface of our planet all the way to the rim of outer space and to peer back as far as the beginning of the universe. But here on Earth, we blind ourselves with ideology and cannot see what’s staring us in the face.”

Most concise takedown of the Green Tyranny I’ve seen to date.