Quote Of The Day

From the bony* Ann Coulter:

Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic —



[ANSWER: One’s in the Constitution, and one isn’t.]

Then again, expecting logic (not to say Constitutional familiarity) from the Left will always be a fool’s errand.

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Quote Of The Day

“If you are a bad guy and come into our schools with a gun, or any other kind of weapon, with the intention of causing harm to our faculty or children, our Deputies will eliminate you immediately.” — Putnam County (TN) Sheriff Eddie Farris

Oh man, am I the only one who got the Warm & Fuzzies from reading that?

Likelihood of a school mass shooting in Putnam county:  zero.

Quote Of The Day

As timely as ever:

“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves;  it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders.”
— George Orwell

Corollary:  “…and exile, punish or execute all those who refuse to accept the reforms.”

Quote Of The Day

From Johnny Rotten, about Britishland’s Royal Family:

“A bunch of German tourists, with a Greek thrown in.”

I know several Brits who still refer to them as “the Germans”, with one saying witheringly:  “My family has been noble for well over six centuries.  Theirs hasn’t.”

Quote Of The Day

From Elle Reynolds:

“Guns aren’t radically deadlier than they were 50 years ago, but our sick culture is.”

Preach it, sister:

While humanity has been fallen since Eden, the past 50 years have seen countless indicators of exponential cultural decline, not the least of which have been falling marriage rates and skyrocketing numbers of children who are denied the chance to live with both their mother and father. We’re also seeing a pandemic of mental illness, which the years of mental angst and isolation caused by Covid school closures will certainly only worsen.

Americans are losing interest in the purpose and community that faith and church offer, losing respect for the sanctity of human life, and losing sight of the notion that a higher moral good exists than immediate self-gratification. Instead, we live under a cultural ethic that idolizes the indulgence of selfish desires even up to the point of taking the life of another.


Quote Of The Day

…and possibly for the ages, from Reader Preussenotto:

“Governmenting the problem only escalates the assholery.”

As any fule kno, I’m not into “verbing”;  but I’ll certainly make an exception in this case.