Quote Of The Day

From the Divine Sarah (Hoyt):

“You know, the more I look at the left, the more they resemble evil fantasy novel characters.”

One has to think that if a fantasy writer wanted to create their next evil villain, they’d look at (say) Gretchen Whitmer and think, “Nah, nobody would believe that.”

Quote Of The Day

From the Z Man:

“It takes special skill to make it to the Senate. It is one of the best jobs in politics.  You do very little, you get massive bribes, and you get to live outside the law.  As a result, it is a great job, which means it attracts the worst people in politics.”

H.L. Mencken and Ambrose Bierce would heartily approve.

Quote Of The Day

From Glenn Reynolds:

“The chance that much of our leadership will be hauled before people’s tribunals and then sent to the firing squads remains low, but it’s far and away the highest it’s been in my life time.”

Oooh, I love it when Insty gets all revolutionary.

Quote Of The Day

From Heather Mac Donald:

So far, however, the most concrete fallout from the January 6 tantrum is not a “dagger at the throat of democracy,” as President Joe Biden put it in a speech from the U.S. Capitol on Thursday. There was no chance that that clownish crew of disorganized, deluded Trump acolytes would reverse the election outcome or permanently halt the vote certification. The real consequence of January 6 is rather the excuse that the riot gives the Left to go after conservative causes and conservative speech, all in the name of fighting an imaginary white-supremacist threat. And to ensure that the pretext remains vital, leaders from Biden on down are peddling distortions and unctuous, newly found patriotism.

Read the whole thing, for one of Heather’s normal, clear-eyed analyses.

Quote Of The Day

From American Greatness:

“Saving the planet may be the supposed moral imperative behind policies that create scarcity, but the true motivation is power and greed.  In reality, imposing scarcity is a convenient way to consolidate political power and economic resources in the hands of existing elites.”

It’s being said about California’s water shortage, but it’s equally true in just about any situation.