Quote Of The Day

From Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas:

“The only proper response from America to these
dirty savage terrorists should be:
Go fuck yourself.”

…to be followed by daisycutters and MOABs.

Quote Of The Day

Glenn Reynolds:

“Why do the lefty media always have to puff people up into bogus heroes?”

Answer:  because otherwise, their only heroes are murdering bastards like Stalin, Mao, Guevara, Lenin, Trotsky, Castro, Chile’s Allende and Venezuela’s Chavez (just off the top of my head;  there are LOTS more).

Quote Of The Day

Brit teenagers have just learned the final grades of their A-level studies (no exams because WuFlu), which are important because it helps determine much of their future prospects of getting a decent job, placement at universities (except as in the post below) and so on.

And then you have Clarkson’s take:

(The “U” basically says, “He did the exam”.)

He left out one detail, however:

The man is a national treasure.

Quote Of The Day

From some medical bloke:

“You can still get COVID, potentially [after having been vaccinated]. But if you do get it, it’s not severe at all.”

As it happens, I was just chatting with Mr. Free Market yesterday, and he informed me that he’d been diagnosed with the Delta-‘Rona.

When I asked him what it was like, the answer was:  “Rugby club hangover.  Piece of cake.”  (Translation:  you feel like utter crap for about twenty four hours, then much better on day two, and by day three you’re back to swilling Ginger Macs, just with a bit of a cough — which is where he was when I spoke to him.)

In other words:  it’s like a bronchial flu.

Carry on.