Quote Of The Day

Last word on the .444 Marlin comes from Reader Mike S:

“I shot a TC Contender w/14-in. bbl. chambered in 444 Marlin.  Once.
I couldn’t feel my right hand for 5 minutes.  Then wished I couldn’t.
“Muzzle Flash” is such an inadequate phrase.”

The .444 is not a pistol cartridge, no matter what you might be told.

Quote Of The Day

Well, I guess that’s me pretty well fucked by now, what with massive ammo purchases, visits to online gun shops and hotbikerbabes.com, not to mention this here blog.  Send in the Morality Police.

Can one get a negative “social credit score”?  Because that’s what I’m shooting for [sic].

Quote Of The Day

From some Dead White Guy:

“Thou hast it now:  king, Cawdor, Glamis, all,
As the weird women promised, and, I fear,
Thou play’dst most foully for’t.”

Pat Buchanan has similar, albeit less poetic thoughts on the topic.

Never have the words of the Bard seemed so appropriate:

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair;
Hover through the fog and filthy air.”

See y’all tomorrow.  I’m off to the range.

I was also there yesterday, btw:

Just getting the old eye in and trigger finger exercised…

Eat shit, Biden.

Quote Of The Day

Seen in Comments, here:

“When you are living in a totalitarian state, and make no mistake, we are living in a totalitarian state, you have three choices; Submit, nullify by refusing to participate or kill them. There is no grey area and you don’t get to refuse to play.”

Challenge accepted.