Quote Of The Day

I have an uneven response to Taki writer David Cole’s articles:  sometimes I want to punch him in the face, and others he makes me howl with laughter.  This is one of the latter occasions, to whit:

I’m not a man who speaks in absolutes, but here’s one I’ll stand by: If a bus full of black people enters an upscale area and nobody on board is wearing a [sports] jersey, it’s bad news.

His description of a bunch of BLM mopes encountering resistance in the form of Persian Jews is equally funny:

Blacks have gotten far too used to dealing with Woody Allen Jews—weakling, neurotic nebbishes of European descent, people who are either Marxist or have Marxists in their family tree.
Persian Jews are cut from a different cloth entirely. It’s a healthy and virile community that categorically rejects racial guilting and socialist wealth redistribution. So the protesters were met by a bunch of Persian Jewish neighbors who stood against them with zero fear.

“Woody Allen Jews”… [exit, laughing]

Read the whole thing.

Quote Of The Day

From someone who’s had enough:

“So what are a couple of old white straight folks to do in the face of threats from these nasty children [BLM, Antifa]?  We are going to walk away.  Goodbye, Minneapolis; goodbye, Minnesota.  You go ahead and defund your police and protect the “mostly peaceful” rioters.  We are moving out of the state to a town so small that you have probably never heard of it.  We are moving to a state where the governor respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights within it.
“No, I’m not flaunting this.  There is no challenge in my words.  But where we are going, nobody wears masks.  And everybody has guns.”

Welcome to the United States, Jerry.


Quote Of The Day

My Readers have been on fire recently.  From MarkD:

“If the American Right were half as nasty as we’re portrayed, there wouldn’t BE an American Left.”

No shit.  We’d have local chapters of Air Pinochet in all 40 states in the U.S.A. (That’s not a typo, btw.  CA, NY, CT, NJ, MA, IL and some others have long since lost the right to call themselves part of our republic.)

Quote Of The Day

Couldn’t have put it better myself:

And that goes double if you come for my guns, BidenHarrisBeto.

Quote Of The Day

From Stephen Green:

“The only states that couldn’t seem to count their ballots on time, the only states where the allegedly dead rise to vote, the only states where turnout in places apparently exceeded the number of registered voters, the only states reported by whistleblowers for ignoring their own laws on accepting mail-in ballots, the only states that keep finding substantial numbers of new ballots, the only states with reports of substantial numbers of destroyed or lost ballots, the only states where we see reports of thousands upon thousands of ballots that are marked only for Joe Biden and no other candidates in any other race…
…all of these things are happening only in states where the outcome was ever in doubt.”

Strange, isn’t it?  Also, a reminder to read this, and put it into context.