Quote Of The Year

…never mind the day.  From Sheriff Darryl Daniels of Clay County FL, in an open message to the BLM/anarchists:

“If we can’t handle you, you know what I’ll do?  I will exercise the power and authority as the sheriff, and I will make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county.  And I’ll deputize them for this one purpose:  to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility.  That’s what we’re sworn to do, and that’s what we’re going to do.  You’ve been warned.”

If I lived in Clay Co FL, I’d be volunteering my services as we speak.  I bet their phone lines are jammed.

Quote Of The Day

From Lawrence Person:

“Antifa is riots is #BlackLivesMatter is #DefundThePolice is Marxist revolution is cancel culture is civilian disarmament is George Soros is mainstream media bias is the Democratic Party.”

Sounds about right.  An all-embracing umbrella of awful.

Quote Of The Day

From The Coldly Furious One, speaking of NASCAR’s ritual self-abasement over nothing:

For the bigwigs at NOOSCAR, it’s extremely difficult to see a downside: they get to piously denounce all those icky, beer-swilling rednecks and their disgusting Rebel flags, suck up to their anticipated new audience of Nee-grows and the white SJWs who take a knee for them, and establish their PC bona-fides without breaking a real sweat. For that, they’ll gladly throw a nonentity like “Bubba” onto the pyre, strike a match, and send his ass floating off downriver.
Nice try and all, but it’s not going to work. And that serves ’em right, far as I’m concerned.

Ditto for the NFL.  Both organizations, flush with TV money, don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about their actual audience.

Naturally, this whole thing is irrelevant to me, as I don’t follow either sport (being of the Europhile heritage, prefer the actual football, and Formula 1).  So I can look at the situation dispassionately and with quiet amusement, treating the doings of both as a marketing exercise.

Not that football and Formula 1 are paragons of righteousness, of course;  I expect them both to succumb to the blowjobs demanded of them by the various foul organizations such as BLM, feminism and Pantifa and their loathsome offshoots.

The nice thing about supporting a sport, however, is that participation is purely voluntary and money not spent on an NFL Redzone subscription can just be spent on ammunition or a new gun — which will really piss off all the Commies.  And as for NASCAR:

Quote Of The Day

From Lileks:

“What the modern hard left wants is the same they’ve wanted since the French Revolution:  claim the present in the name of the future, repudiate the past, then own the past, redefine it to their terms, then make it off limits for discussion unless you keep within the lines they’ve defined.  Discussion of the past outside of the boundaries is counter-revolutionary, and proper consciousness has to be displayed at all times. “

An example (still from JL):

“But is it possible now to discuss motel signage and architecture without discussing discriminatory rental policies?”

I have a better idea.  Discuss whatever you want, without ever checking your speech or writing for anything that these assholes may think is doubleplusungood (to use one of their literary epithets).

Hell, it’s what I do every single day, here on this back porch of mine, and I encourage you to do likewise in your everyday conversations and thoughts.