Quote Of The Day

From the study proving that Neil Ferguson’s Chinkvirus model contained flawed methodology (to say the least) comes this conclusion:

“On a personal level, I’d go further and suggest that all academic epidemiology be defunded. This sort of work is best done by the insurance sector. Insurers employ modellers and data scientists, but also employ managers whose job is to decide whether a model is accurate enough for real world usage and professional software engineers to ensure model software is properly tested, understandable and so on. Academic efforts don’t have these people, and the results speak for themselves.”

Hell, considering what’s come out of academia in terms of climate modeling as well as this latest fiasco, I’d prefer to have bookies produce the models, rather than universities.

And this is why charlatans like the Hockey-Stick guy (of global warming infamy) steadfastly refuse to release their code — they know it’ll fall over under the slightest scrutiny.

Had I ever tried to get this bullshit past my clients back in the day when I was involved in this kind of thing, I’d have been fired on my ass and my business cred utterly demolished.  These pricks deserve no less.

Wise Words

From Insty:

The purpose of “women’s groups” isn’t to help women.  It’s to keep women agitated, suggestible, and submissive to leftist ideology.  And leftist ideology is all about getting, retaining, and exercising power.

Women’s groups used to have a proper purpose in Western society.  Then, as the wrongs they protested were gradually eliminated, they lost their need to exist, but refused to do so.

It’s like still getting upset about the use of small boys as chimney-sweeps.

Wise Words

One of the many pleasures of reading Instapundit is Glenn Reynolds’s use of (mostly) single sentences as pithy commentary on whatever link he posts.  Here’s an example:


In the latter, he’s talking about the Chinkvirus pandemic models, but of course it’s equally applicable to the climate change versions, and just about all the other government- and academic models as well.

“Wise Words”, therefore, is going to become a regular feature on this back porch, gathered under the “Quote Of The Day” umbrella.

Quote Of The Day

From an email:

Dear Friends,
Today marks 4 weeks of isolation.  I’ve been walking 2.5 miles a day around my neighborhood, increased my water consumption, no meat, no sugar, no dairy, no caffeine and no flour.  The change has been fantastic!  I feel great!  Zero alcohol!  Lost 17 pounds of fat and now see muscle definition.

People like this are usually murdered.

Quote Of The Day

From Insty (in response to this bullshit):

“People entrusted with guns and the power of arrest need to have good judgment, and the ones who judge poorly need to be punished or sacked.”

…or horsewhipped, or beaten with chains, or…

I’m thinking of those “no-knock” warrants served at the incorrect address, where someone gets killed by overzealous policemen acting like Imperial stormtroopers.

Quote Of The Day

I can’t remember who said this (sorry to him/her), but I can’t let that stop me from posting it (because it’s wonderful):

Almost everybody who has actually studied history at all thinks actual socialism (as opposed to your fluffy magic unicorn version) is evil, while those who have studied history and still want it are wannabe totalitarians and statists who think it sounds awesome, because they assume they’re going to be the ones in charge. Then they sell the fluffy unicorn version of socialism to the useful idiots.
They tell you it’s social programs and fairness, when actual reality is bread lines, inefficiency, and eventually gulags and firing squads.
