Quote Of The Day

From Oasis’s Noel Gallagher:

“What I’ve found creeping into pubs, what you see now in pubs, which you didn’t used to see back in the day, is fucking dogs. I don’t recall stepping over loads of fucking dogs to go to the bogs in a pub in the ‘90s.  Kids and dogs, fuck ‘em off, get home.
“Pubs need to get back to encouraging drinkers through their doors, and stop doing food because I hate sinking a few pints surrounded by waitresses and plates.  Every pub does fucking food now as well. I’ve got a real fucking problem with food in pubs. Fuck off to a restaurant and then come back.”

I’m kind of in sympathy with him (although I couldn’t sing one of his band’s songs if you held a gun to my head).

The hell with dogs, whether in pubs or wherever.  Your dog needs exercise?  Walk it, then take it home, then go out to a pub.

Way I see it, a pub can sell the kind of food that’s more of a snack (meat pies, fish & chips, toasted sandwiches, bags of chips/crisps or bowls of peanuts)… but that’s it.

Don’t even get me started on “gastropubs”, FFS.

The business of a pub is to serve booze to grownups.  End of.

Yeah, I know.  With all this hoo-hah about drunk driving (note to Brits:  “drink” driving is a silly, effete phrase), nobody goes out just to drink anymore.  Ever wondered when we as a society started to become more like children?

When all this bullshit started.

Quote Of The Day

From some tart or other:

“I know he’s proud of me and what we have together, but no one else needs to hear that we sometimes do it five times a night and that my searing orgasms can go on for 15 minutes at a time.”

…which is why you shared your story with The Sun newspaper, right?

Quote Of The Day

From a Reader who was once in law enforcement:

“When I was a cadet at FLETC back in ’83 we were told (off the record):  ‘Never join any team or Task Force set up by the FBI.  They either want some information you have and they don’t or they want someone to blame when they fuck up.’

“Forty-one years later and it has become a nation-wide mantra.”

Indeed it has, and they deserve all the scorn and shunning they get.