Quote Of The Day

In response to the celebratory picture of Vogue cover “girls” over the past [whatever] years:

…some guy SOTI grumped:

“Too much cinnamon, not enough sugar.”

I LOL’d.

*The word “girls” was put in quotes because some of the models (Oprah coff coff ) were last seen as actual girls back in the mid-Sixties.

Quote Of The Day

Seen here:  Progressive Culture and the Crisis of the American Male

These were all humiliation rituals… struggle sessions aimed at traditional American men and their favorite pastimes. All of them engineered and prosecuted by the Progressive Left. And they are working precisely as they were intended, which is to say badly, for American men.

And really: ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ “It was twenty years today” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ (or thereabouts) that someone wrote this.

I still prefer my trenchant description.

Quote Of The Day

From some horse’s ass in Congress (I know, doesn’t narrow it down much):

“The Donald Trump and MAGA plan for the border: Alligator moats, bombing northern Mexico, shooting migrants in the legs, and electrifying the fence and putting spikes on them.”

Actually, that was MY plan, except he left out the minefields and it was Nile crocodiles, not alligators.

But if Trump wants to take credit for my plan, that’s okay.

Quote Of The Day

…on the topic of EVs (especially trucks), in Knuckledragger’s Comments section:

“These pieces of shit are nothing more than virtue-signaling tools for Liberal assholes. It’s all bullshit thrown out to control the ignorant masses. Fuck the planet. Live for today and go out to buy a 5-liter high-octane V8 powered rig.”

Works for me.

In (my) Comments today:  which “5-liter high-octane V8 powered rig” would y’all recommend right now?