Splendid Isolation

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

This one made my heart swell with pride  (but also with sorrow):

According to Kentucky State Police, troopers were dispatched to the home in Manchester around 4:30 a.m. Saturday for reports of a shooting.  When troopers arrived, they found two men with gunshot wounds.

Jeffrey Allen, 51, was pronounced dead at the scene. Roger Smith, 44, was transported to an area hospital but later died.

Police said that the two men had broken into the home with the intention of stealing firearms from a safe.  During the break-in, a juvenile living in the home saw the men holding firearms. Acting in self-defense, police said, the child retrieved a handgun and shot both men before escaping through a bedroom window.

Police did not give the exact age of the child who shot the alleged intruders.

Now, why is my heart filled with sorrow?  Because as much as I applaud the kid’s actions, I hope like hell that this doesn’t cause him mental anguish.

Folks, it’s no fun taking a human life, even when the taking is both morally and legally justified.  And as much as I post these events and make light of them, I truly do not want kids to be involved.  It’s bad enough for an adult to deal with;  it’s horrible for a young ‘un.

That said, at least this kid wasn’t a victim of these two asshole goblins;  now that would have made me really angry.

In passing, the “Emily van der Riet” in the byline is this young lady:

She may even be a Seffrican, with that name — it’s quite a common one back in the Vaderland.  As long as she isn’t a liberal…

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Several people sent me this excellent news, thankee.

A man strode into a San Antonio barbershop looking for more than just a little off the sides and began waving a gun and demanding wallets and purses from the patrons in the establishment.

When one of the barbers, a 26-year-old man who was part owner of the business, didn’t comply quickly enough, the bandit began pistol whipping him. He then turned toward the other owner of the shop, a 51-year-old woman and showing he was full of tricks, pulled out a handful of zip ties.

The other owner may have been down, but he was far from out, and while he may have been slow to initially comply, he wasn’t about to hang out any longer and see what played out. He had already tried the peaceful approach and all it got him was pistol whipped. So, with that, he whipped out his own gun, took aim and went high and tight with multiple rounds into the man’s chest.

…with the desired conclusion:  one dead goblin.

It’s San Antonio, TX so all the cops did was congratulate Our Hero on his grouping and take away the ventilated body.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

A couple Readers sent me this most excellent report (thankee), and I’ve waited a while to see if there have been any developments since but so far, no luck.  Anyway, here we are:

Chicago police said the gunfight unfolded just before 5:30 a.m. in the 900 block of South Homan Avenue in Homan Square.

According to police, the victim, a 28-year-old man who was operating a garbage truck for Flood Brothers Disposal and Recycling Services, was outside of his truck in the area when he was approached by two men, a 42-year-old and a 20-year-old.

Officers said the two suspects then pulled out guns and announced the robbery, but the victim, who has a valid FOID and CCL opened fire on the would-be robbers.

Amid the shootout, the 42-year-old suspect suffered a gunshot wound to his head and was pronounced dead on the scene. The 20-year-old was shot in the neck and was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Almost a twofer, but he came thisclose.

I have to say that as a one-time (and long-time) resident of that putrid city, all these Righteous Shootings bring a tear or two to my old eyes, because back when I lived there the only dead people in scenarios like this one were generally the innocent victims, prevented by law from being able to defend themselves.

That situation has now been reversed, and it’s A Damn Good Thing, say I.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Ahhhh Houston:

An aggressive driver was shot numerous times Friday night in Houston, Texas, after allegedly brake-checking, blocking, and chasing a couple riding in another vehicle.

The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m.

The [dead] suspect, a man in his 40s, was driving a pickup truck when he allegedly “zeroed in on a car driven by a 20-year-old man.” There was also a pregnant woman in the car with the younger man.

The driver allegedly brake-checked the 20-year-old, drove into oncoming traffic to get beside him, and finally, blocked the car’s forward motion, then exited his truck with his hand near his pockets.

The 20-year-old [allegedly] feared for himself and for the woman with him and [allegedly] opened fire, [allegedly] hitting the 40-year-old numerous times.

I added a few “allegedy”s in there, just to be all legal and stuff.

You know, Texas just isn’t a place where you want to do that “road rage” thing, something our corpus delicti  should have known but alas too late.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Once again, Reader Mike L. comes to the rescue with this heads-up report:

A Florida man opened fire on two home intruders, killing one of them, on Thursday night, authorities said.

Given that this was in Florida, it hardly seems newsworthy.

“Why so, Kim?”

Because the local law enforcement has this attitude towards such fun ‘n games:

“This is the state of Florida. If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot,” Sheriff Wells warned.

One would have thought that the Florida Crime Set would have figured this out by now, but then again, the corpus delicti  was a Mexican and the other an illegal immigrant from Chile, so maybe they just hadn’t got the news yet.


Speaking of the well-perforated choirboy:

Flores-Toledo had an active warrant for a parole violation and was considered by authorities to be armed and dangerous.  Back in 2023, he served four months in jail for residential burglary and was released on parole just last month.

Which to me is a sound argument against parole — release them and they’re gonna get killed — but once again, whatever.

All that said, maybe we should issue this t-shirt to parolees, both as aide-memoire  for them, and as an aid to homeowners:

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Reader Mike L. asks if this qualifies as a Righteous Shooting.  Why yes, yes it does:

Cecil Batiz, 16, died from a gunshot wound during the incident, which unfolded at the 8400 block of the South I-10 Service Road in New Orleans East.  The robbery occurred shortly before 8 p.m. when Batiz and another suspect, 18-year-old Teony Juarez, entered the store armed and demanded cash. 

Surveillance footage revealed the moments leading up to the fatal shooting.

The video shows Batiz brandishing a gun with an extended magazine at the store employee behind the counter. The employee complied, handing over cash, while the suspects stole items. 

As the suspects’ attention shifted, the employee retrieved a firearm and opened fire, striking Batiz, who collapsed to the floor.  The footage also shows Batiz moving slightly on the ground. The employee then fired additional shots. Batiz died at the scene, officials said. 

Juarez was also shot but survived. He was later arrested and booked into Orleans Parish Prison on multiple felony charges, including armed robbery, illegal use of a firearm and aggravated assault with a firearm. 

No charges have been filed against the employee at this time. 

I should bloody well hope not.  Also note that Our Hero did the proper thing by shooting until the threat was ended.

It’s too bad that he didn’t smoke both the choirboys, but let’s not quibble because the wounded asshole is going to face murder charges anyway.

Does Louisiana still have the death penalty?  Asking for a friend.