Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

From Houston comes this fine story:

Police said the driver went to the address to deliver a pizza and was confronted by two men demanding money at gunpoint. According to HPD, he pulled out his own gun and shot, killing one of the men. The second man reportedly ran away.

Here’s a good part:

The driver then waited for police officers to respond to the scene.

Always be sure to get your story in to the fuzz first, before the surviving scumbag can start raving about “being attacked while we wuz jus’ walkin’ around” or similar bullshit.

Of course, the driver’s going to get fired because “corporate policy” (more bullshit — I’d give him a bonus), but at least he’s still alive.

Unlike one of the choirboys (“Guess The Race”), who was probably “just about to turn his life around and was even enrolled at Malcolm X trade school”  or some similar nonsense (even more bullshit).

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Let’s hear it for Idaho grannies:

The 85-year-old mother of a disabled son committed a “justifiable homicide” in Idaho when she shot an armed burglar who snuck into her home and threatened to “kill her multiple times,” a county prosecutor said.

Christine Jenneiahn presented “one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation” that Bingham County prosecutor Ryan Jolley has ever heard of when she shot and killed 39-year-old Derek Condon, according to an incident review written Tuesday.

Yup.  The only bad thing that happened in all this shooty goodness was that before expiring, the goblin was able to get off a few shots himself, wounding Our Heroine (may she have a complete and speedy recovery).

In the meantime, please do the usual:

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Well, I guess if you’re going to play Big Boy Games, you need to be prepared to die like a man:

A 16-year-old male was shot and killed Monday while allegedly trying to steal a car around 2:20 a.m. from a San Antonio, Texas, apartment complex.

Police indicated the owner of the car heard glass breaking outside his apartment and went to investigate. Once outside, he found the 16-year-old allegedly sitting his his car, trying to steal it.

The car owner believed the 16-year-old was armed so he fired at the suspect, striking him once and killing him. [some editing necessary – K.]

Gotta say that San Antonio seems to be becoming a dangerous place to work, that is if your “work” involves undocumented property redistribution.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Stop me if you’ve heard this one

Seems like an Olde Phartte went to his local ATM to draw himself a little bingo money, whereupon a yoot approached him with a gun and demanded that the Olde Phartte share — i.e. 100% for the yoot and the rest for its owner.

Well, even in Chicago this didn’t seem like a fair exchange, so Our Hero drew his own gun and swapped a few rounds with the goblin, with a decent outcome in that the goblin assumed room temperature and Our Hero was only slightly wounded.

Seems as though the Chicago PD are going to behave themselves, and Our Hero will not be charged.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

I don’t know why I bother to scan Teh Intarwebz for this kind of thing, because there are always a few Loyal Readers out there who send me glad tidings, such as this one from the Houston area:

Harris County deputies said the man was sleeping in his car because he had just gotten into a fight with his girlfriend.

Authorities said another man who may have had a pistol got into the vehicle and may not have realized the sleeping man was in the truck.

The would-be victim had what the sheriff said was an AR-15 and reportedly shot the man several times. The suspected thief was pronounced dead at the scene. Deputies said the suspect had already stolen from several nearby cars before the shooting.

The shooter reportedly stayed at the scene and was cooperating with law enforcement.

Let us all have a couple minutes’ silence for the dead goblin Our Hero’s eardrums… because nothing says owie like an AR-15 going off in a confined space with no hearing protection — well okay, the boolets (!) are going to make an owie as well at the naughty end, but that’s of no concern to us, and certainly not to the cops, who seem to have the correct attitude towards the whole episode.

“They shouldn’t be out doing it in the first place. I don’t believe that he realized that the reportee was sleeping in this truck before it was too late,” said Sgt. Ben Beall with the sheriff’s office.

One hopes that Our Hero makes a full recovery;  the dead goblin won’t, but once again that’s not a problem for anyone except him.