Gettin’ Busy

Seems as though our kids are being taken in hand:

“Over the last two days, at least six female teachers across the nation have been arrested for engaging in inappropriate sexual misconduct with students…”

Just to add a little perspective, here:  six teachers out of tens of thousands is barely a rounding error, and the “past two days” is just a random cluster — it’s not every two days, after all.

Then again, to complete the excerpt:

“…including one Kentucky educator who allegedly took part in encounters with a pair of 16-year-old boys.”

Now that’s what I call a well-rounded education.

And yeah, I’m not taking it seriously because the “victims” are teenage boys, and teenage boys are hardly the precious little pets the media makes them out to be.  I mean, I was a teenage boy, back in the Jurassic Age, and if the delectable red-headed Miss Cooke had ever offered herself to me…

…in a heartbeat, Bubba.

Let Them Have It

Another scathing article from the redoubtable Heather Mac Donald hits the streets:

Seventy-five percent of Ivy League presidents are now female. Nearly half of the 20 universities ranked highest by Forbes will have a female president this fall, including MIT, Harvard, and Columbia. Of course, feminist bean-counters in the media and advocacy world are not impressed, noting that “only” 5 percent of the 130 top U.S. research universities are headed by a black female and “only” 22 percent of those federal grant-magnets have a non-intersectional (i.e., white) female head.

These female leaders emerge from an ever more female campus bureaucracy, whose size is reaching parity with the faculty. Females made up 66 percent of college administrators in 2021; those administrators constitute an essential force in campus diversity ideology, whether they have “diversity” in their job titles or not.

So basically, women have taken over tertiary education, just as they did the primary- and secondary sectors.


If there’s one thing I know, it’s that when men see that the odds are being stacked against them, when the dice are similarly loaded, and when the playing field is tilted towards the other side, they shrug… and quit.

In times to come, men with degrees in the Humanities (like myself) will be a vanishing breed, and “education” will increasingly become irrelevant except to a few stubborn men (again, like myself) who will still pursue their education, except that they’ll do it outside the lofty and feminized academic institutions.  Their education will still be relevant — perhaps even more so than the accreditation offered by the Academia Femina — and other men of similar persuasion will recognize their value even if the HR Department (another female-dominated institution) doesn’t.

Ask any software manager whether he’d prefer to hire a kid with a “Computer Sciences” degree over a kid who showed him in his job application letter a fix for a bug in his product, and he’ll just look at you strangely, or else laugh outright.  (That’s actually how #2 Son got his current job about seven years ago, and he’s not the only one.)

Ask anyone hiring people for a semi-skilled technical position whether they’d prefer a candidate with a degree, or someone who’s been through an apprenticeship and has worked in the related field (e.g construction) for five years, and you’ll get pretty much the same reaction.  I knew a man who was the general manager of a gold mine in South Africa who would absolutely refuse to hire anyone — even in finance or accounting — who had not actually worked for a few years at a mine (as a miner, electrician, machine operator, whatever).  His own son became an apprentice electrician, then worked as a “sparkie” (at another mine), and only then got his diploma in order to get a job at his father’s head office, at age 35.

Increasingly, a college degree is being evaluated by employers not as a credential for a job, but as proof that the applicant has had the ability to put in the time and stick to it.  The Son&Heir, for example, got his job at Global Megabank Inc. not because of his degree in Philosophy, but because he had over a decade of managerial experience and dealing with customers.  This means that while companies may say “degree required”, what kind of degree is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

As universities and colleges are feminizing themselves, they will become increasingly irrelevant to society as a whole.  And the reaction to that, from men, will just be a shrug.

HOW Much?

Just when I thought I’d seen it all, here comes this little piece of research:

“The vast majority of students (87%) say they have felt at least one of their college classes was too challenging and should have been made easier by the professor,” the survey found.

However, 71 percent of students spend fewer than 10 hours per week on studying, and a total of 87 percent of students spend fewer than 15 hours per week hitting the books.

The survey organization found that about one-third of students who think they work hard fail to put in more than five hours a week into schoolwork.

Back when I were a student, I would spend about six hours per day studying, excluding lecture time, and a lot more if there was a test, exam or paper coming up.

Granted, I was studying History and French — not hard courses, just ones requiring some extra-curricula study — so I found the work ridiculously easy.  (Had I been doing Organic Chem… oy.)

But the very thought of asking a professor to make the course easier?  The way I always looked at it was that if the course was hard, that just meant I had to work harder — it was like a competition between me, the professor and the subject matter — and there was no way I was ever going to let those two bastards beat me.

But nowadays, where there seems to be an “app” for everything (meaning that someone else has done the work for you), it’s small wonder that today’s snowflakes think that “hard” means actually having to think, and learn.

After all:  who needs a brain when you’ve got batteries?

Guidebook Entry

While this may be amusing, in fact it could have been taken from a university faculty’s handbook for linguistic standards.  (Which is all the funnier when they used “contemporary” when in fact they should have used “contemporaneous” for extra-special orotundity and opacity.)

Nazzo Fast, Guida

Then we have this lunacy:

The goal is to “reimagine” the traditional family beyond fatherhood and motherhood with such roles being replaced, in a “more universal sense,” where children are not “property” of their parents, but “raised by society as a whole.” 

“I suppose that I’m called to the challenge of thinking about these really difficult questions of how those intimate spheres are affected by capitalism and how they are political.

“The left needs to get a little bit braver also at challenging the rhetoric of motherhood. Because a lot of the people who do mothering, I call them mother-ers to just ram home the point, that we can mother one another after the abolition of the family, this is what will hopefully be lifted up.

“To abolish the family is not to destroy relationships of care and nurturance, but on the contrary, to expand and proliferate them. Reflecting on the conditions of possibility for such universally xenofamilial — that is to say, comradely — kin relations … argues for utopia(nism) in feminist kinship studies.”

Nurturance?  Xenofamilial?  Seriously?

The author of this Marxist lunacy is named Sophie Lewis:


Nah, I’m kidding — that’s another Sophie Lewis altogether.  This is the expert on “feminist, trans and queer politics and philosophy”, who looks exactly as you’d suspect she would:

There’s never a ducking-stool at hand when you need one, is there?

I don’t know what Sophie #1’s opinion on child-rearing is, but I’ll take hers ahead of the Marxist’s, sight unseen.


Here’s a fun little intellectual exercise:

Letting meat eaters drown is ethical because of the suffering they cause to animals, an Oxford University academic has controversially argued.

There’s nothing “controversial” about it.  His only supporters are going to be rabid vegans, and other so-called intellectuals, whereas the rest of us would drive him from the village, pelting him with stones and rotten fruit on his way out.  Apart from the chilling indifference, the application of such a judgmental credo in a life-or-death situation is not only awful but contrary to human nature.  (One can only imagine the “HHHAAATTTERRRR!” abuse that would come my way if I were to suggest that letting vegans drown under similar situations would at least lower the shrillness of society’s ambient background noise…)

That said, if I came upon said asshole burning to death in the street, I might actually pause for a moment before pissing on him to extinguish the flames, so maybe I’m not much better than he is.

By the way, here’s another little intellectual exercise for you.  Ignoring his nationality for a moment, do you think this bastard’s philosophy would be found more often in Democrat, or Republican voters?

Food for thought.