Not Romans, They

Reader Mike L. sends me this little tale of bullshit:

Less than a week before Massachusetts observes Columbus Day, lawmakers and Native American advocates, some wearing traditional headdresses, asked a legislative committee to replace the holiday with Indigenous Peoples Day.

I’m getting so heartily sick of this nonsense, these attempts to rewrite history (at the expense of settled history, of course), and this glorification of what was essentially a bunch of savages.

Simply put:  what did these glorious “indigenous” people ever do for us, for civilization and for the land which would become the United States?  Where are their laws, their buildings and monuments, their written (as opposed to oral — i.e. invented) histories?

I’ll tell you where they are:  nowhere, because they don’t exist.

So what’s to “honor”, other than to acknowledge that they once existed?  Do we have “Neanderthal Day”?  Of course we don’t — and do not for one minute think that I’m comparing “indigenous” American peoples to Neanderthals;  although now that I think of it, I’m not exactly sure that the comparison isn’t apt, considering that the latter too left no laws, buildings, monuments or history pretty much for the same reasons.  We don’t even know that the cave paintings scattered all over Europe and Asia were created by Neanderthals.  Cave paintings weren’t much of a legacy, but they were something.

We commemorate achievements and actions precisely because what was done was (duh) memorable and had an effect on the world that followed.  I have for example far less issue (in fact, no issue) with, say, Martin Luther King Day than President’s Day (which simply mashed all those wonderful presidents’ individual achievements into some amorphous reason for retail promotions and sales).

We don’t have to commemorate simple existence, we simply have to acknowledge it — for example, in written history (which they didn’t have) — and get on with life.

In terms of world history, what Christopher Columbus achieved was greater than anything achieved by all the Indigenous Peoples’ leaders and chiefs combined, ever.  It is an absolute travesty to substitute his day of memory with some (once again) amorphous glorification of a group who collectively were nothing but inhabitants of this continent, whose originality was simply of greater vintage than people like Columbus, and whose legacy was… minimal, to be charitable.

Glorification of that is no more than a participation trophy, another artifact so beloved of the people who want to effect so insidious a change.

Fuck ’em.  Fuck ’em all.

…But True

Note the censorious tone in this one:

A BIZARRE joke which aired on Australia’s Today show has left viewers in fits of laughter.  Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were left flabbergasted when a young boy told an unscripted joke about vegans jumping from cliffs.

The clip is causing a stir in the US as some Tiktokers remarked it would have never been broadcast on straight-laced American telly. 

And this eeeevil joke?

“A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first. Who wins?”
“I don’t know, who wins?”

I sniggered.

They Hate All Of Us Anyway

Here’s one that made me chuckle:

Gunmaker Heckler & Koch tweeted agreement Tuesday with Miller Lite’s woke campaign against using sexy women — “bunnies” — to sell products, then doubled down in a second tweet, describing ad campaigns that objectify women as “trash marketing.”

On Tuesday, Heckler & Koch doubled down, responding to accusations that they have become “woke” by giving a detailed explanation of their opposition of “objectifying women” in selling guns:

Wow- woke? Allow me to translate: objectifying women was never a good marketing strategy. In the firearms industry, that was a prominent strategy up until recently. Many industries have done that (including beer corps).

As an actual woman typing this, I’ll use more words for you to comprehend: using bunnies to sell products is trash marketing. Supporting women by not doing that is good. 

Of course, it’s easy to say all that bullshit when your target market isn’t men buying guns for their womenfolk (unlike light beer).  If it was, H&K (who, as Larry Correia reminds us, think we all suck anyway) would paint bikini models on the oversized grips of their overpriced guns.

And by the way — and this applies to all gun companies — your job is not to “support women” by uttering platitudes like the above.  Your job is to support women by making guns that they can actually shoot.  (Last time I looked, H&K is kinda lean in that product description.)

As with light beer, I can’t boycott H&K products because I’ve never owned one in the first place — mostly because of H&K’s Ferrari-like premium prices.  (Only unlike Ferrari, whose cars are arguably worth the $$$$, H&K guns aren’t.)

Anyway, it’s all bullshit. Manufacturers have been using beautiful women to sell their products ever since Mrs. Aarg preferred Mrs. Thaarg’s leopardskin loincloth.  That’s not going to change, ever.

Bloody fools.

The “Clean Vs. Dirty” Thing

One of Jeff Goldstein’s fine statements in Maybe I’ll be there to shake your hand (as discussed in the above post) is this one:

The Global Elites behind BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, the WEF, the WHO, the UN, et al., have never liked that presumptuous, barely-credentialed nobodies, can get on planes and travel the globe, just as they do. They never accepted that the filthies can eat a fine rib eye, or drive a nice car, or own a comfortable home — and not have to rely on their largess, or answer to their diktats.

For those who missed the allusion to “filthies”, here’s its foundation:  another Jeff (Tucker) wrote a brilliant piece called Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything, and here’s its basic premise:

It is possible to understand nearly everything going on today – the Covid response, the political tribalism, the censorship, the failure of the major media to talk about anything that matters, the cultural and class divides, even migration trends – as a grand effort by those people who perceive themselves to be clean to stay away from people they regard as dirty.

They don’t want pet waste on their carpet, thus comparing ideas with which they disagree with a nasty pathogen. They are seeking to stay clean.
In this case and in every case, they are glad for the government to operate as the clean-up crew. It’s dirty ideas and people who hold them they oppose. They don’t want to have friends who articulate them or live in communities where such people live.

And the reason they don’t want to deal with people like Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Elon Musk or, for that matter, any unwashed scum with uncomfortable ideas supported by incontrovertible evidence and/or historical precedent — the reason is that their own worldview is based upon theory and (they think) altruism.  The thing about both theory and altruism is that these are clean philosophies — their motives are pure, you see — and they hate to see those cherished ideals get messed upon when some Unwashed (like, for example, me) points out that their climate “science” is based upon shaky data and wishful thinking, while their predictive models are hopelessly in accurate and cannot form the basis of social or political policy.

The Cleanies likewise hate it when someone lowers income tax rates, because revenues will be “lost” — except, of course, that anyone with the slightest knowledge of history (never mind economics) can point out that when tax rates are cut, tax revenues increase, in some cases massively.

But those messy, messy realities sully the purity of their philosophy, so best to ignore — or better yet, suppress — those dirty realists.

Of course, the reality I’d like to impose on them is fairly simple:

…but no doubt, someone’s going to have a problem with this Occamic proposition.

It might, however, be the only solution — messy though it is.

Now THIS Means War

Okay, now it’s time for the pikes to be sharpened:

The light-hearted escapades of Jeeves and Wooster have become the latest victims of the seemingly relentless march of literature’s word police. 
PG Wodehouse’s books on the pair’s aristocratic misadventures have been identified as having what the publishers describe as ‘unacceptable’ prose. 
The comic novels have had passages cut or reworked for new editions by Penguin Random House, as well as trigger warnings added to warn readers of ‘outdated’ themes.

If any body of literature can be classified as “completely harmless”, that would be the collected works of P.G. Wodehouse, quite possibly the world’s greatest-ever humorist.

In fact, the only group of people who could lay claim to being offended by Wodehouse’s writings would be the British aristocracy, whom P.G. universally skewers on the point of his razor-sharp wit.  And they wouldn’t, because as one toff reportedly said, “Every single character in Wodehouse resembles a member of my family”.

But let us not giggle, because there is serious work to be done…
