I Stand Corrected

I love my Readers.

In response to this little comment of mine in the last News Roundup:

From the Dept. Of “Defense”:

...if I were a donor, I’d also hold off till they rename it the “Robert E. Lee Military Institute”.

…Reader Mike S. suggests via email:

I am second to none in my respect for General Lee (I’ve a framed print of him in my library), but VMI should be renamed “Thomas J. Jackson Military Institute.”

Gen. Jackson was a professor at the Institute before the Late Unpleasantness.

Gen. Lee was a graduate and later the commandant of West Point. THAT facility should be renamed for Lee.

All good points.  However, most people (especially the Racial Grievance Industry) probably have no idea of who Thomas J. Jackson was (maybe unless “Stonewall” is included in the nomenclature), but every damn one of them knows about Marse Robert.

So historically I’m in full agreement with Reader Mike;  but in terms of social impact on the Wokists…?

It’s a tough call.

Dragging Kiddies

Let’s hear it for Plano-based Pizza Hut:

BOOK IT! is a reading program, sponsored by the pizza chain, directed towards children from pre-school to sixth grade, or ages four to twelve. It awards a free one-topping pizza if they are able to meet a monthly reading goal. Big Wig was promoted in the summer reading program Camp BOOK IT!

The book Big Wig is a “wonderful read-aloud [that] celebrates the universal childhood experience of dressing up and the confidence that comes with putting on a costume,” the reading program states on its website.

Yeah, it’s just about “putting on a costume”, of course.

Fucking groomers.

Here’s a thought:  we have lots of corporate headquarters here in Plano, and others are lining up to come here.  It would serve Pizza Hut right if the city, backed by the state*, revoked their business license — I bet that if publicized, a large majority of Plano parents would support the action.

*If this were Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis would be all over this idea.

Why Not $50 Million?

More insanity from San Francisco:

A San Francisco reparations committee proposed a plan to city officials last month that would pay longtime black residents of the Northern California metropolitan city $5 million each while granting total debt forgiveness for facing decades of “systematic repression.”
The San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee submitted the report to the Board of Supervisors just before the New Year, which addresses public policies created to “subjugate” black residents in the Bay Area city and includes a list of financial compensation, such as the lump-sum reparations payment of $5 million to each eligible individual.
“Centuries of harm and destruction of Black lives, Black bodies, and Black communities should be met with centuries of repair,” Eric McDonnell, committee chair, told The San Francisco Chronicle. “If you look at San Francisco, it’s very much a tale of two cities.”

Unfortunately, unlike in the Dickens novel, there will be no guillotines.

As for who qualifies for this oh-so generous handout:  well, pretty much everyone.

Such residents who qualify for the payment must meet at least two criteria from a list of requirements, which include applicants to be at least 18 years old at the time the city enacts the committee’s proposal, have identified as black or African American on public documents for at least ten years, and prove they were born in the city between 1940 and 1996.
Other requirements from the report include residents that have lived in San Francisco for at least 13 years or personally been incarcerated — or the direct descendant of someone imprisoned — during the War on Drugs, which U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon declared in 1971.

And how are they going to fund this virtue-signaling generosity?

[thunderous crickets, with scattered murmurs of “higher taxes”…]

Never an errant 12.5 Richter-scale earthquake when you need one, is there?

My Kinda Gal

…actually, Bob Marley’s granddaughter, who was getting yelled at because she wore a t-shirt with “White Lives Matter” printed on it, which of course upset the Usual Suspects.  They climbed onto Twatter and sent off many broadsides calling her the usual names.

Here’s her response:

Good for you, sweetheart.  Everyone should respond in the same way to the Snowflake / Wokist / BLM / Permanently-Aggrieved when they start the Cancellation Derby.

Basic Stupidity

Several of you sent me this lovely little bit of governmental stupidity:

More than 140 people experiencing homelessness in Denver will each be provided up to $1,000 in cash a month for up to one year as part of a basic income program designed to help “lift individuals out of homelessness,” the city announced last week.

The $2 million contract with the Denver Basic Income Project was approved by the City Council and will provide direct cash assistance to more than 140 women, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, and families in shelters.

Civic altruism and wokism, all subsidized by taxpayer dollars.  And I hate to break it to these Colorado morons, but “up to” a grand is going to lift precisely nobody out of poverty.  It will, however, encourage more people in similar circumstances to come to Denver…

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of socialists.


Victor Davis Hanson delivers an almighty spanking on America’s well-deserving backside:

Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee.

They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man-hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift consumption, racial and gender fixations, warped science, suicidal surveillance, and commissariat indoctrination.

Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment—all the reasons why America will no longer dominate the world.

As with all VDH’s musings, you must read them all.