Some guy over at National Interest (never heard of them) opines on the 5 best pistols (and I assume all generations thereafter) ever to shoot the 9mm Europellet. His list is as follows (and I don’t know if the order is important):
- Glock 19
- SIG P226
- H&K VP9
- S&W M&P
- Springfield XD
…and by the omissions is his ignorance revealed. Here’s my top 5 list, in order of preference:
- SIG P210 — The forerunner of the P226. While the 226 is good, the 210 is astonishing. Ask any precision 9mm shooter which is the most accurate pistol of them all, and the only reason he won’t say the P210 is if he’s an employee of, or spokesman for one of the other gun companies.
- Browning P35 High Power — John Moses Browning and Dieudonné Saive designs. Remember that the Brit Paras and SAS have used them until only recently, basically because they wore them out after decades and FN/Browning announced they wouldn’t support them anymore.
- CZ 75 — Granted, it’s a derivation of the Walther P38 (see below), and we could argue for days about their relative merits. But the “75” refined the P38’s design and improved the German gun’s already-good reliability. Proof of the gun’s esteem is that the 75 is the most-copied design of any pistol ever made.
- HS2000 — The Croatian forerunner of the Springfield XD; both are outstanding pistols, and like the P38/CZ 75 argument, I’d settle for either without any qualms whatsoever, if I wanted a striker-fired DA pistol.
- (tie) Beretta 92F — I’ve always liked this pistol, and the only reason I was against the U.S. Dotmil’s adoption of the thing was because of its chambering, and that only because of the FMJ bullet restriction. With a proper hollowpoint, I’d happily carry one anywhere.
- (tie) Glock 19 — Enough water has passed under the bridge for me to (grudgingly) acknowledge this foul thing’s worth. Rugged, reliable, accurate and almost universally popular (except on these pages), it probably has to be considered one of the best Europellet-poppers. And by including another plastic striker-fired pistol on the list, I can exclude the H&K VP9 because I don’t like the Heckler & Koch company.
- Honorable mention: the Walther P38 (as above). I don’t know anyone who’s fired one of these not to want one for himself afterwards.
Feel free to argue with me in Comments.