…even from the grave, after reading this report:
The German army’s accuracy has again been mired in controversy as it was revealed in a classified report the testing for their latest rifle was lowered.
The G95A1 rifle failed to pass trials with military-standard ammunition so the Bundeswehr – the German army – lowered the standards of the test, the report to stated.
The manufacturers of the rifle — Heckler and Koch — were allowed to test it with civilian ammunition and at room temperature rather than in extreme heat and cold.
Their 180,000-strong army is due to be receiving new weapons next year after it was reported that they only had enough ammunition to fight for two days.
On the bright side: they can’t invade Poland again. On the gloomy side… well, there’s Russia still on the Ostfront, also again.
One wonders how badly the Bundeswehr would fare by reaching into the back of the old gun closet for:


Of course, they’d have no ammo for anything other than the MP40 and P38, but hey, lookee here from our friends at PPU:

Bet they’d get a fat quantity discount, even though the Serbs might be a little reluctant to sell to them, for fairly obvious reasons.
Oh wait, what’s that you say, Lassie? After the Great Unpleasantness of the early 1940s, the Germans had to destroy all their old guns?
Never mind.
Yes, I too got a semi just from looking at the StG44, FG42 and MP40. Why do you ask?