My old pal, the late Airboss once said (pace the old AT&T ad) that everyone should own at least one rifle that can “reach out and touch” someone.
Here’s my candidate, which has the added benefit of almost utter silence with the proper add-on, the CVA Scout, chambered in the .300 Blackout:

Yes, it’s a single-shot rifle (but that means it’s both quiet and cheap — nothing wrong with that little scenario). Also, I would venture to suggest that if you do your part, a quick reload should be entirely unnecessary.
In fact, it’s difficult to imagine a better gun for pig-hunting, where the sound of the shot from a regular rifle makes the other pigs scatter like flies. With silence comes an excellent chance for a further pop, or three…
I also like that the Scout can also come with a short barrel (ribbed threaded for your pleasure).

I have also said in the past that hunting with a single-shot rifle is not o be sneered at, because nothing concentrates the mind better than knowing that one shot is all you’ll get. And I’m all over that one, with my own peerless Browning High Wall:

…but I must say that the CVA does make the old trigger-finger itch a little, because of its utter stripped-down utility and scope-ready rail (which the Browning does not have).
Worth some consideration, yes?