Oh yeah, baby. Very realistic combat simulations, with Gun Jesus wearing a kilt. In the Finnish winter.
Makes our “run ‘n gun” stuff look like a walk in the park.
Not just the guns, but all the stuff that goes with them
Oh yeah, baby. Very realistic combat simulations, with Gun Jesus wearing a kilt. In the Finnish winter.
Makes our “run ‘n gun” stuff look like a walk in the park.
Here’s one guaranteed to make the GFW Brigade have fits:
The owner of a Texas gun store and shooting range is holding a “not guilty sale” after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges last Friday.
The Saddle River Range in Conroe sent a text message to customers about the “Pre-Black Friday clearance sale” which started Saturday and will last through Thanksgiving.
My favorite part?
“We would like to clear up some confusion, the post states. “We are celebrating the life that Kyle Rittenhouse now gets to live because he was able to defend himself without being penalized for it. This is a big win for the Second Amendment and cause for celebration. For those of you who think we are celebrating “the death of innocent people”, we apologize that you didn’t take the time to gather and evaluate the actual facts from the case.”
Brilliant. And thankee Reader Mike S who sent it to me.
It occurs to me that we haven’t had a decent pic of a gun on this here website in ages, so without any more to-do, here goes:
Like the similar-but-not-identical Czech Model 1924, the Mauser 24/30 rifle was made for the Venezuelan army by Belgium’s Fabrique National, and not by Mauser (the Germans having been banned from making weapons for being Very Naughty Boys between 1914 and 1918).
I’m not going to go on about the gun’s history — between Othias, Mae and Ian McCollum, the topic has been extensively covered — but what I am going to go on about is the rifle itself, and its cartridge.
I happened upon one of these beauties at a local gun parlor, and were it not for the fact that I had only the budget to buy Daughter her carry piece, I would have walked away with two guns that day — a not-uncommon occurrence during Times Of Plenty back then.
If you can find one in minty condition, this is not a rifle to be left on the rack. The action is (duh) Mauser 98, the chambering is for one of my favorite cartridges, and were I to see that same one right now, I would sell a child or something to get it. Here’s a comparison of like cartridges:
…and you can see that the 7x57mm is different from all the rest in that it has a long, thin bullet which provides excellent penetration. This, lest we forget, is the same cartridge which kicked the .30-40 Krag’s ass during the Spanish-American War, and pushed the U.S. Army towards the .30-06 Springfield as a replacement.
I like the 7×57 because its recoil is relatively light, although I will also concede that it’s not the flattest-shooting cartridge past 200 yards.
But for an all-purpose rifle that can handle most small- to medium game and errrr two-legged targets with the same effect, you could do worse — a lot worse — than have one of these in your safe.
Because of all this woke bullshit, we are no longer allowed to use the word “Mozambique” for our favorite shooting drill (two shots in center-mass, one in the head) because raayyycisss.
As always, the solution can be found in the Old Country. At the suggestion of Mr. Free Market, allow me to present the new drill, the Rittenhouse:
Two in the skateboard, one in the elbow.
Of course, the silhouette is white on a night-black background so we don’t get accused of Black genocide or some such, and most of the Pantifa Skateboard Set are White anyway.
Apologies for the poor artwork, but I only had a couple minutes to do it in MS Paint.
I know, I know… to my Loyal readers. every day is Ammo Day, but do your bit regardless.
100 rounds of centerfire or 500 rounds of rimfire — if you can find / afford them.
I made my purchase shortly after midnight this morning.
So I received this in the mail yesterday, after a decade-long search for a genuine 1907 bayonet which didn’t require a trip to the bank manager’s office first.
And a pretty pair they make, too:
Now, about that freelance Antifa-riot-control duty…
Update: after seeing this pic, Mr. Free Market sent me this:
And he’s quite right.