…which means that the Krauts don’t have a Second Amendment, as witnessed by this sad tale:
Granted, there’s a law in Germanland called the “War Weapons Control Act” which says you can’t own, for example, a Pzkw Mark V (Panther) — I assume it means a working tank; otherwise, it’s nothing more than a museum piece…
…which old Klaus-Dieter’s clearly is.
And in any event, the old buzzard is eighty-four years old; he’s hardly likely to launch a blitzkrieg on the local municipal offices, is he?
On the other hand: 70 assault rifles? That’s impressive, even by Texas standards, although the alleged ammo stash (2,000 rounds) is woefully inadequate — assuming they’re the Stg-44’s 7.62x33mm Kurz cartridges, that’s less than one 30-round magazine per gun.
Also not enough to launch a decent assault on the local Ampt.
Now, the anti-tank “cannon” (seriously?) — even if it’s the teeny Pak 36 with its 37mm gun — would be kinda fun to take up to Boomershoot or to use in times of, shall we say, civic fun and games. Had it been the fearsome 88mm KwK 36…well, now we’d be talking turkey. But unlike the Pak 36, you can’t tow it behind your Ram — it’s way too heavy, even for the 5.7-liter engine.
But whatever the actual gun, there’s no mention of any ammo for the thing, which makes it all the more ridiculous that Klaus-Dieter’s been fined a quarter-million euros for owning it and the other decommissioned items.
Final note: he kept it all in his basement. Some basement.
And I’d love to get my hands on one of those Stg-44s, assuming they haven’t been wrecked.