So with the NRA leaving the inhospitable climes of the North and moving to Texas, I have to say “Welcome” like all the others, but with a single caveat: leave the people at our Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA) alone.
Over the years, the TSRA has been highly effective in killing all sorts of gun control nonsense (proposed by, duh, big-city Democrat politicos) and in general, keeping things running on the side of the righteous. And frankly (unless someone from the TSRA tells me otherwise), we do not need the NRA throwing their weight around here like a clumsy bull elephant.
I have what I think is a common attitude towards the NRA among gun owners: I support them in general terms, but I also think that on occasion they’ve behaved in a manner that sticks in my craw — and I’m not talking about Wayne LaPierre’s suits, either. That enormous HQ building in Virginia is a case in point:
That is a lot of member funds spent, in one of the most expensive real estate areas in the world. It made me think at the time that the NRA had its priorities wrong, and I haven’t much changed my opinion since.
So I say to the NRA: y’all come on down, but behave yourselves. It’s what I say to California transplants, and it pains me to have to say it to gun folks, but there it is.