Well hell, if Oprah Winfrey can do it, then by golly so can I. Okay, a little background:
Every year, the media mogul, 69, shares an expansive gift guide filled with a range of products like kitchen appliances and cooking supplies, furniture and home goods, clothes and accessories, and skin, hair, and makeup items.
And 2023’s is no different. With 109 items in total, this year’s list has ideas for fashion lovers, at-home chefs, food connoisseurs, beauty gurus, and workout fanatics.
As expected, her list is full of useless shit like face creams and bubble baths: not the kind of thing on a Real Man’s list unless he’s buying stuff for his wife / mistress / both.
So without further ado, here is Kim’s Favorite Things List (Part 1 — Part 2 next Saturday) with something for everyone. Oprah did 109 items; I will only do 100 because unlike Oprah (who had staff to do all the work), I had to do it all by myself.
Aside: I’m also 69, so there we have it: battling lists from two Olde Pharttes.
Oh, and one last thing: all the items below give me a warm & fuzzy feeling when I look at them: it’s a “favorite things” list and no more. (Unless you’re very wealthy, it’s not much good as a Christmas list either — unless of course you’re wealthy and want to indulge yourself.)
Buckle down: this may take a while, but hey, it’s Saturday: what else are you gonna do? Let’s kick off with the spendy stuff (all prices are approximate), and there is no order of preference or cost. It’s all good.
1. 2002 BMW Z8 (4.9-liter V8) — $212,000

Anyone can have a silly Ferrari, Aston Martin or whatever that breaks all the time, for even stupider money. But there are only a couple thousand of these Beemers left in the world. (And yes, the hard top is removable.)
2. Mauser M98 Standard Diplomat (in your favorite caliber; mine would be 9.3x62mm) — $14,700

…with manly iron sights, of course. The optional companion piece:
3. Kahles K 3.5-18x50mm scope — $3,300
…or, if you’re going to be using your M98 for close-up dangerous game:
4. Kahles K16i 1-6×24 3GR Reticle — $2,200

5. Annual Range Membership (your choice) — $600-$25,000
(This is Texas Defensive Shooting Academy — TDSA — but whichever is closest to you. Dallas Gun Club, FYI, costs $25,000 per annum last time I looked, and there’s a two-year waiting list.)
6. African Hunting Safari (flight, luxury lodge accommodation only; add $10,000 for several small-game license fees, up to $35,000 for lion, buffalo etc.) — $15,000 per person

7. Handmade shoes from Ludwig Reiter (Vienna) — $660-$1,200

Buy once, wear for life.
8. Matched pair of shotguns (links in pics) — $40,000-$$tupid
…for those of the “Over and Under” persuasion. But for the more civilized amongst us:

9. Classic watch (e.g. this Omega Genève from the 1970s) — ~$2,000-$5,000
You may have to search around, but the search is part of the fun.
10. Sickafus Montana Shearling Coat — $1,700

Unless you live in the tropics.
11. Martin D-35 Standard Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar — $3,500

Possibly the best-sounding off-the-shelf acoustic ever made.
12. Saddleback Hardside Suitcase — $1,000

13. Zeiss Victory RF 10×54 Rangefinding Binoculars — $4,000

14. Browning Buck Mark Medallion Rosewood .22 LR Pistol — $600

Add the Vortex red-dot scope, for $300
15. Mini-Moke Classic Electric — $30,000
Yeah I know, it’s a damn Duracell car; but I’d make an exception for this one.
16. Rhino Ironworks Gun Safe — $6,000

Ugly as hell; but how cool is it…?
17. Chiappa Firearms Kodiak (.45-70 Govt) — $1,750

18. Leathercraft Conner Recliner — $5,000
19. Winnebago Solis Pocket Camper — $150,000

Don’t need much more than that, really. We are not rock stars.
20. Canon EOS R6 Mark II — $2,500

21. London’s Lights (Leonid Afremov, 60″x40″) — $900

22. Longines Avigation — $2,700

23. DW Collector’s Series Purpleheart Drum Kit — $9,000

…add over a grand when you add the cymbals, stands, bass drum pedal and stool. All worth it.
24. Hacker-Craft Destroyer — $375,000

I’m not even a Boat Person, and I love the look of this thing.
25. Karl Hauptmann Double Rifle (.375 H&H Mag) — $40,000

26. Angora Executive Desk — $25,000

27. 1972 BMW 1602 (1600 cc 4-Cyl. 4-Spd manual) — $20,000

Before Beemers got really fuuuugly.
28. Nord Stage 3 88-Key Keyboard — $5,500

29. Beretta Mod 74 Target (.22 LR) — $850

30. Orient-Express: Paris to Istanbul — $20,000 (per person)

That’s the cost of the Grand Suite; smaller cabins are (not much) less.
31. 1997 Land Rover Defender 110 — $66,000

32. Mesa/Boogie Fillmore 50-watt Tube Combo Amp — $2,700

33. Seychelles Vacation (Four Seasons Mahé) — $15,000/week

Excludes flights.
34. Five-Rifle Set — $1,200

Every so often, J&G puts one of these deals together and at the price, they’re an utter bargain.
35. Breitling Transocean Day & Date — $3,500

…or you can drop an extra $5,000 and get it in gold.
36. Mont Blanc Meisterstück Around the World in 80 Days LeGrand Fountain Pen — $1,000

37. CZ 457 Varmint MTR .22 LR — $850

Same hole, all day long. And for its glass:
38. Trijicon Huron 2.5-10×40 30mm BDC — $700

39. Fazioli F308 Concert Grand Piano — $290,000

To my ears, the best-sounding grand piano of them all.
40. Viking River Cruise: Amsterdam – Vienna — $7,500 (per person)

41. Fender Precision Fretless Bass — $2,500

My #2 choice for a bass guitar.
42. Wiesmann MF4 Roadster / GT — $150,000

…if you can find one, that is.
43. FN 49 Luxembourg Contract (.30-06) — $2,100

Shoots smoother than a Garand. Still regret losing mine in the Brazos.
44. Stetson El Amo Premium 500x — $1,100

45. Driven Pheasant Shoot (UK) — $1,200/day

Assumes a 20-bird tally per shooter. Ammo, food, booze etc. not included.
46. Colt Single Action Army 3rd Gen. (.45 Colt) — $5,000

47. Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus Stereo Amp — $1,250

… unchanged since the 1970s, it’s one of the longest-lasting and most popular guitar amps ever, and deservedly so. As is the next one:
48. Fender ’68 Custom Twin Reverb Amp — $1,800

One of the cleanest-sounding guitar amps of all time. Except when you don’t want it to be, and then it gets dirtier than Miley Cyrus on a Saturday night pub crawl.
49. Longshore Tides Dolores Bar Cabinet — $4,500

50. 1975 Rickenbacker 4001S — priceless

Why is it priceless? Because that’s mine, is why.
Next week, the “budget” 50 favorite things.