I cannot count the number of timers I’ve written about this scenario:
One of my favorite-ever literary passages is in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, when Yossarian walks into a bedroom to discover that his lunatic navigator Aarfy has just murdered a prostitute by throwing her out the window. While he’s remonstrating with Aarfy, the military police burst into the room — and arrest Yossarian for being AWOL.
The same thing has happened time and time again*. And here’s yet another one to make your blood boil (as it did mine):
British police were called to a house after a neighbor heard screams. They found a young girl naked & drunk with 7 Pakistani men.
They arrested the girl for being drunk & convicted her. They reportedly didn’t even question the men.
Every single one of those cops should be taken to a windowless cell, tied to a chair and beaten with chains. Followed by the same treatment for those seven asshole Pakis**.
This should also be seen in its larger context. (Warning: it’s really hard to read without an extreme RCOB*** occurring.
*Here. here and here are just three examples where I’ve written about this foul nonsense.
**I know very well that the term “Pakis” is offensive. When it comes to these pedophiles, however, no descriptor is offensive enough. Fuck ’em.
***Red Curtain Of Blood, which comes over your eyes when discovering massive bastardy and injustice.