I cannot count the number of timers I’ve written about this scenario:

One of my favorite-ever literary passages is in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, when Yossarian walks into a bedroom to discover that his lunatic navigator Aarfy has just murdered a prostitute by throwing her out the window.  While he’s remonstrating with Aarfy, the military police burst into the room — and arrest Yossarian for being AWOL.

The same thing has happened time and time again*.  And here’s yet another one to make your blood boil (as it did mine):

British police were called to a house after a neighbor heard screams. They found a young girl naked & drunk with 7 Pakistani men.

They arrested the girl for being drunk & convicted her. They reportedly didn’t even question the men.

Every single one of those cops should be taken to a windowless cell, tied to a chair and beaten with chains.  Followed by the same treatment for those seven asshole Pakis**.

This should also be seen in its larger context.  (Warning:  it’s really hard to read without an extreme RCOB*** occurring.

*Here. here and here are just three examples where I’ve written about this foul nonsense.

**I know very well that the term “Pakis” is offensive.  When it comes to these pedophiles, however, no descriptor is offensive enough.  Fuck ’em.

***Red Curtain Of Blood, which comes over your eyes when discovering massive bastardy and injustice.

Oh Yeah, Baby

Reader Mike S. tells me he has taken out a bank loan to afford all the popcorn he’s going to need for this little shit-show:

Things are quickly heating up in Chicago. Nervous Democrats are wondering if the city might come under siege by swarms of pro-Palestinian protesters and/or if they will face riots by extremists – with the explicit goal of defeating Kamala Harris. Public estimates are that between 30,000 to 50,000 protesters are expected to enter the city.

A vast coalition comprising of more than 200 Palestinian, Marxist, anti-imperialist and progressive organizations have signed on to join the “March on the DNC 2024” which is planning marches and rallies between August 19 and 21.

Meanwhile, Chicago authorities have opened a defunct courthouse to streamline arrests and have cleared 30 additional courtrooms if there are mass arrests, according to NewsNation.

The city has postponed all criminal jury trials scheduled for next week and “criminal judges from other divisions of Cook County have been asked to clear their calendars in case they need to be called into action to help process those arrested,” according to the news channel.

Read the whole thing to get a full flavor of all the participants.

And I never ever thought I’d say this, but:

“Where’s Mayor Richard J. Daley when we really need him?”

Oh, and thanks, Mike;  I’ll have a bowl of that popcorn, with extra butter please.

Quite So

From the big brains at Gatestone:

It apparently never occurred to either the heads of the UN or the EU to consider that if you are a terrorist organization that commits war crimes, you do not get to choose how a war that you started is waged against you.

If you do not want a “bloodbath,” do not take hostages, hide them among civilians, try to prevent a rescue, then if they are rescued, profess shock at the fallout that you yourself have teed up.

I call this the “Dresden/Hiroshima” rationale:  you fucking started it, now you have to deal with the consequences.

It’s probably a Good Thing that the Izzies, for some reason, are reluctant just to exterminate every single one of these cockroaches south of their border.  (I remain unconvinced, but whatever.)

We know that said cockroaches, if they had the power, would show no such squeamishness.  “From the river to the sea”, remember?

Israel is walking a very delicate line here, often at the expense of its own troops and civilians, and should be commended rather than excoriated.  But of course the anti-Semites / Palsymps at the UN and EU don’t see it that way — which is why we ourselves need to inflict a little diaspora action on the United Nations, and disengagement from NATO.

They fucking started it.

When You’ve Lost The Dutch

Dutch people, as a rule, are famously tolerant and generally speaking, a decent lot (except when occupied by Nazi Germany).

So when the Dutchies use bulldozers and batons to clear out a terrorsymp encampment, you have to know that your cause may be in trouble.

And if the above two links didn’t elicit at least a grim smile from you, we can’t be friends.

My suggestion for riot control, as always, is a little stronger than bulldozers and batons:

Rising Tide To Sink All Infidel Boats

From the inimitable Laurence Fox:

Why yes, Laurence, yes they have.  And every time people like you stand for election to roll back or prevent the above, they are roundly defeated in the polls.

Clearly, the Islamification of Britain is something most Britons want.

Now go and make your evening prayers, facing towards Mecca of course, and tell your houri  sister to cover up her body.

…or be stoned to death.