From some Izzy pol comes this little snippet:
Well, yes. As some smarty-pants academic said a little while ago, context is everything.
I mean, I feel the same way about Commies (apart from the “rape” thing, I’m not the man I used to be –although I might be persuaded to take at least one* such ghoul for the team).
Still, it’s not a healthy thought and the Pals should be dissuaded from acting out those impulses by, say, mass relocation to the Congo. (For some reason, Israelis have an institutional dislike of concentration camps and Babi Yar-style killing pits, so relocation seems to be the best alternative.)
So I’m not going to condemn the Pals outright because glass houses etc. But I am going to encourage the Izzies to do whatever they think works. I think they can generally be trusted to do the right thing, e.g. blowing up Iran’s nuclear bomb capability, so as far as the foul and loathsome Hamas / Hezbollah assholes are concerned, it’s all systems go.