Fucking hell, it’s cold out there. In Texas.
Category: Weather
Missing The Cold
From Reader Joe Donuts (probably a pseudonym):
“Your wallpaper got me pondering as do many of your posts about what used to be Great Britain. I spent most of my 20 plus years in Uncle Sam’s Traveling Air Circus stationed in East Anglia. Miss it terribly and shudder at what it, and the rest of Europe, has become.
“Fall left here last week. The snow has been on the ground since Monday and is here to stay until late April. I’ve woken to single digit temps the last day or two; they’ll have a negative sign soon enough. Call me odd, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Nor would I. Possibly the strangest thing is that as much as I wouldn’t live pretty much anywhere in the North that I used to (Chicago, New Jersey etc.), I do miss the seasons thereof.
I loved the spring: the way that one day it’s brown and ugly after the snow has melted, and a week later the trees are in full bloom and the grass has somehow recovered after being buried in snow for a few months and is now green again; the joy of a warm, occasionally-hot summer when it feels good to be outside and life just seems more worth living after the February-April dreariness; of the fall, where the trees change from uniform green into a kaleidoscope of many colors and the sweaty heat of summer is replaced with cooler temperatures; and finally, that first snowfall, the beauty of the white covering over everything and the incredible hush that falls after the snow has fallen…
I miss it all, terribly.
And yes, I know that raking the leaves is a pain in the ass, that shoveling snow every morning at 6am in sub-freezing temperatures can become tiresome, and that after the snow has more or less melted away in the late winter/early spring that everything looks dirty and ugly.
As the man said: “Show me paradise and I’ll buy us the tickets.”
This doesn’t count as a post, but I thought I’d share my Fall wallpaper with y’all. I think it’s somewhere in England, but it could equally be somewhere in New England. Whatever. Right-click to embiggen and/or save for yourself.
“Why Fall wallpaper, Kim?”
We had our first cold-ish snap of the season last Wednesday… 49°F when New Wife went off to work. Sure as hell beat the 85°F at the same time during the week before.
About Those Hurricanes
…it turns out that this year is not going to see a “supercharged” hurricane season in the Caribbean and southeastern United States, and it’s a worrying prospect to all the Climate Alarmist Assholes like that “Hockey Stick” charlatan:
Penn State celebrity climate scientist Michael Mann announced in April that his research group’s 2024 North Atlantic season forecast was expecting an “unprecedented” 33 named storms, with a range between 27 and 39. That prediction has turned out to be a dud.
With Hurricane Francine hitting the coasts Thursday, the total number of named storms only comes to six, making it one of the quietest hurricane seasons to date.
I’m not going to bother to point out, yet again, that using “climate models” to predict short-term weather patterns is a waste of time, and not just because almost all climate models suck green donkey dicks, statistically speaking.
What needs pointing out is that the great Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© movement is a load of bullshit, not the least for the reasons stated above, but also because fanatical adherence to its so-called “prophecies” is leading towards societal collapse as our power needs are increasingly constrained in pursuit of the movement’s largely-unattainable goals.
A Touch Of Fall
I went outside the night before last to fetch something from the car, and… cool weather. Okay, so it was close to midnight, so never mind, thinks I — I’m wise to Texas Weather Tricksies by now.
Then I went out yesterday morning at about 9am to run some errands, and… still cool. In fact, I had to step out from the shade into the sunlight to avoid shivering. When I set off in the car, I turned off the AC (for the first time since mid-May) and just cracked the windows to stay cool.
Wait, what? Could this be Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©?
Silly rabbit. By the time I turned to come back home, it was back to 92°F — that September Texas weather we all know and love.
I am so ready for the Fall to come.
It ain’t pretty, but at least it ain’t sweltering.
Just What We Needed
Summer forecast for the U.S. (courtesy of some little Mexican boy):
Ah well… there are a few benefits:
And that’s just at the mall. Gawd knows what it’s going to be like at the lakes and seaside… okay, maybe I do: