5 Worst TV Shows (By Today’s PC Standards)

None of these TV shows could be made today because #NetworkCowardice.   Ranked from “Least” Offensive to “OMG I Need Counseling!”:

  • The Bob Newhart Show (makes fun of mental illness / psychoses, plus airline pilot Howard is a serial seducer / rapist)
  • Dukes Of Hazzard (OMG Confederate Flag Warning!)
  • Tom ‘n Jerry cartoons  (all that violence, sexism and animal cruelty)
  • Benny Hill (sexism, male chauvinism / piggery, etc.)
  • Monty Python’s Flying Circus (sample):
    “I don’t like darkies!”
    “Hahahaha… she doesn’t like darkies… who does?

…and a special Dishonorable Mention for female stereotyping:

  • How To Marry A Millionaire

Your suggestions in Comments.

Quote Of The Day

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.” — Hillary Bitch Clinton, October 10 2018

Fair enough.  So let’s list a few of the things that I (and a great many others) stand for, and that I care about, in no specific order (and feel free to add any that I may have forgotten):

  • The First and Second Amendments (and the other eight in the Bill of Rights, but most especially the first two)
  • A Constitution that cannot be changed by any means other than by amendment, as laid down in the Constitution
  • A tri-cameral government system, consisting of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches
  • A judiciary that follows Constitutional precept rather than changing it by judicial fiat or through political belief
  • The Electoral College
  • Citizen-only voting, with proof of same required before doing so
  • Secure borders and controlled immigration
  • Low taxes

Now, using Clinton’s own rationale, and considering that her political party stands absolutely foursquare against, and seeks to destroy all the above, I would ask her to explain to me why I should ever be in any way “civil” towards Democrats (or their camp followers, the “Social” Democrats).

While she’s preparing her response, I’ll be down at the range.

Tole Ya So

As I suggested earlier in the week, male employers are going to think twice before hiring women in the future.  Or maybe the future is now:

The Society for Human Resource Management published a report Thursday that documented the result of the movement that called on society to believe allegations of sexual harassment without question.
According to the study, nearly a third of executives report that they have “changed their behaviors to a moderate, great or very great extent to avoid behavior that could be perceived as sexual harassment.”
The CEO of the SHRM, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., explained that “some of the more concerning pieces of data that came out of the research are around the concern that there may be a backlash of sorts. There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained. “Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours.”

But that’s not all.  How about this development:

Amazon’s machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem.
The team had been building computer programs since 2014 to review job applicants’ resumes with the aim of mechanizing the search for top talent, five people familiar with the effort told Reuters.
But the firm was ultimately forced to end the project after it found the system had taught itself to prefer male candidates over females.

When even machines, looking at the thing empirically and dispassionately, find reasons to disqualify women…

There ya go, ladies.   Hope it was worth it.

That Said…

As I said in Comments to this post, torching a guy’s car just because of a bumper sticker is a felony.  Sorta like this:

A man in Vancouver, WA returned to the bar he had left his truck at the night before to find charred remains of what used to be his Nissan Titan. On the previous night, Johnny MacKay opted to take an UBER home rather than take to the roads under the influence. He left his truck in the parking lot, expecting to drive it back the next day. Except some anti-Trump terrorists got it to first, setting it on fire.

This being the Pacific Northwest, don’t hold yer breath waiting for any arrests.


Here We Go Again

We’ve come across this foul bitch before.  Fresh from her “triumph” of having a conservative guy ejected from a gym, Georgetown professor Christine “Anything But” Fair is back in the news, unfortunately:

A professor at Georgetown University known for making incendiary comments against supporters of President Donald Trump said white men deserve “miserable deaths” for supporting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

This folks, is what happens when you’re so ugly you can’t even get a pityfuck at a drunken frat kegger.





And her Ugly isn’t just on the surface;  it permeates her entire being.

Yet she’s still employed at Georgetown, which used to be a reasonably-prestigious university.  Now it seems that the place is as fucked-up, rancid and poxy as this example of its academia.  Maybe they’re proud of her, which makes a sick kind of sense, I guess.