Another Truism

“That which government cannot force you to do because of Constitutional- or legal prohibition, it will force your employer to do on their behalf.”

Such as with the execrable “voluntary” wellness programs (whatever the fuck that means).  Thank goodness I don’t work for Global MegaCorp Inc. anymore, or else I’d burn out the pic below (which I’d be constantly sending in response to their latest poxy diktat ):

Reaction Part 2

Here’s an interesting little snippet:  about nine people a day are being arrested by British officials for the crime of posting “offensive messages online.”

Such “offense” is seldom actually defined (vagueness being the root of all tyranny), unless we include the qualifier “it hurt some ultra-sensitive asswipe’s feeewings” in the casus praehendum.

It’s a good thing I don’t live in the U.K., or else I’d no doubt get visited by the rozzers just for expressing my reaction to, for example, the South Yorkshire Police, who posted this bullshit:

Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it.

Here’s my response:

And that goes for all you little PC scolds, tattletales and snowflakes out there as well.

Hate, you assholes?  I’ll show you hate.  A pox on all of you.

Old News

Just to prove that Millennials didn’t invent this silly fascination with multi-sexuality, here’s a piece of literature from the 1950s:

No, I don’t understand it either.  I am so hopelessly old-fashioned…