Hate Speech

…or as it used to be called in the Gude Ole Daze, invective, seems to have been cowed by Political Correctness because Feewings are more important than truth, or even humor.  Take this little passage from Taki’s Magazine, for instance, in describing the travails of CanuckiPM Zoolander:

As the telegenic fist-puppet of the global elite, Justin Trudeau does everything his string-pullers tell him to do: He pretends that Muslims are human, that trannies are women, that white people need to be eliminated, and that women never lie about rape.
Earlier this year, Trudeau threw his support behind the castration-crazy witch hunt known as #MeToo, a vanity project in which women receive love, cash, interview requests, and the sweet taste of revenge by boasting that they were sexually assaulted by powerful men. He called it “a movement whose time has come”:

“Sexual harassment is a systemic problem. It is unacceptable. When women speak up, it is our duty to listen to them and to believe them.”

Yeah, that’s going to be problematic for the boyish man whom many suspect is the bastard love child of Fidel Castro and Trudeau’s schlong-gobbling whore of a mother.

There’s so much fine invective here, it’s difficult to know where to start:  hell, the “telegenic fist-puppet” quip alone is worth the price of admission.  But it’s the description of Margaret Trudeau where the Invective Parade gets the brass band going, and I howled with laughter when I read it.

Lest anyone think that part’s libelous, I should point out that La Margaret’s lack of morals was not only well-known but documented, having had affairs with, by her own admission, more than one of the Rolling Stones during one of their tours of The Great White Space, as well as with other famous people.  And the affection towards Commie politicians shown by Her Groupieness makes the “love child” barb not only possible, but highly likely.  And let’s be honest:  she “let it all hang out” (literally) on more than one occasion:

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Here’s something which made my blood boil:

Geert Wilders had been scheduled to speak at today’s #FreeTommy rally in London. However, the British government refused to allow his bodyguards to carry guns while in the UK, and the Metropolitan Police declined to provide him with a protection detail, so he was unable to attend.

So because a man has unpopular (albeit correct) views on Diversiteh, he needs armed bodyguards to protect him from radical Islamist assholes.  So the BritGov cites their law against anyone carrying a gun who isn’t a cop (thus stripping Wilders of his protection), and then “declines” to give him any substitute police protection so he can’t visit the country (which was their intention all along, only they didn’t have the guts to ban him outright).

I hereby give the cowardly Brit Gummint a Golden Fuckweasel Award.

Making America Great Again

According to the conventional “wisdom” among the Leftists, God-Emperor Trump is a flashy  simpleton who’s thrashing around without a clue, pissing off our allies and screwing up the country etc. etc. etc.

I’ll go with the “flashy” because well, that’s kinda undeniable — but that’s just Trump’s style.  What he’s doing, however, is far more profound than most people realize.  We all know his signal domestic achievements — conservative Supreme Court judges, tax cuts, nuking all the tiresome regulations which Democrat-controlled government apparatchiks have been inflicting on both businesses and individuals:  all this and more, as well as driving the Left to frothing rage with his importunate and (to me) funny tweets, as he sets about radically changing the country’s zeitgeist from hapless Bush-era globalism and malevolent Obama-era neo-socialism into… greatness.

That’s all well and good;  but what about foreign policy?  This has always been a Republican strongpoint (Nixon, Reagan etc.) and a Democrat disaster area (Carter, Clinton, Obama ’nuff said).

Trump is proving to be a past master at the Great Game, all the more impressively so because he has no foreign policy experience.  I could go on and explain it, but Sundance has beaten me to the punch.  Go there now and read it all, because it will explain Trump’s actions and strategy better than I could ever do.

Back?  Good.  Now here’s what I think.

I think that Trump’s actions are quite definitely not off-the-cuff, spur-of-the-moment improvising.  Yes, his technique may be so — he’s definitely a ready-fire-aim kind of guy — but behind that, I’m pretty sure that he has a very comprehensive plan, and that plan has come from several years of thinking about the U.S. and its relationship with the rest of the world, and what he would do to change it back into our favor.  In other words, Trump has been wargaming this situation and his plan over and over and over again, and now that he’s POTUS, he’s putting it into practice.

I hesitate even to say this;  but if I’m right, Donald Trump may turn out to be one of the most consequential Presidents this country has ever had.  He is so far removed from the stupid, incompetent and venal Barack Obama that it beggars any attempt to quantify it.

All we have to do, we citizens of the United States, is to ignore the howling from the Left and give him the tools to finish the job.  That means voting into office a Congress which will support him — oftentimes despite themselves — and, of course, reelecting him when the time comes.

We can worry about 2024 later, but it will involve putting someone into power who will have not only the knowledge but the sheer balls to continue Trump’s plan.  If we can do that, there will be no stopping us;  and we will make the 21st century an American one, just as we did its predecessor.

What He Said

Saith Robert Hardman in the Daily Mail:

Perhaps I just wasn’t paying attention but I am pretty sure that this lot were not here three months ago. On that occasion, London was hosting not just one ‘bigot’ but dozens. In fact, all told, the 2018 Commonwealth summit honoured no less than 37 world leaders who choose to criminalise homosexuality in their countries.
I certainly remember them all getting a full state welcome and dinner at Buckingham Palace. The funny thing is, I just can’t recall the protests. Nor did I see the placards a month earlier when a leader who bans women from voting in general elections – and only let them drive cars this year – was a guest of honour in the City of London.
Aside from a handful of protestors outside Downing Street, there was no street march against Crown Prince Mohammed of Saudi Arabia.
Maybe everyone was washing their hair that day.
Yesterday, however, thousands did manage to find the time to hit the streets to hurl various forms of abuse – some of it cogent, much of it unprintable and lot of it simply adolescent – at our most important ally.
I imagine most women, most gays and most members of any ethnic minority would much prefer to live in Donald Trump’s USA than most nations on earth. Yesterday, however, he was cast as the pantomime enemy of almost every cause on the political spectrum from centre-Left grievances all the way out to the communists (who certainly deserved the award for the most elaborate banner yesterday – a magnificent old-fashioned specimen beautifully embroidered with Lenin and Marx).
Whatever your issue – Brexit, climate change, feminism, Palestine, capitalism, gay and transgender rights – Donald Trump was the problem and guilty as charged. So roll up, folks, and signal your virtues.

And they did:

Mind you, expecting any kind of consistency from the Left is like expecting lions to go vegan:  it’s just not in their nature.

And of course, he’ll never get the Screaming Freak vote:

I have a serious question:  can you imagine belonging to a “movement” which includes people like this as members?  What could possibly possess people to act this way?

I guess it’s because Trump!  And that excuses anything.

Fucking morons.  All of them.  Including the people who are encouraging this crap, e.g.  Maxine (Red Maxi) Waters and Bernie (Scum) Sanders.  These fuckups couldn’t “resist” a ripple in a pond.

More Crap

Oh good grief, here we go again:

Saturated fats in yoghurt, cheese and butter do NOT increase the risk of heart disease — and may actually prevent a stroke
Eating full-fat dairy actually reduces the risk of dying from stroke by 42 percent, a study found.
Lead author Dr Marcia Otto, from the University of Texas, Houston, said: ‘Our findings not only support, but also significantly strengthen, the growing body of evidence which suggests that dairy fat, contrary to popular belief, does not increase risk of heart disease or overall mortality in older adults.
‘In addition to not contributing to death, the results suggest that one fatty acid present in dairy may lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, particularly from stroke.’
Dietary guidelines in the US and UK recommend people people opt for low or no-fat dairy, however, the researchers warn such options are often high in sugar, which can drive heart disease.
Milk, yoghurt and cheese contain nutrients such as calcium, which lowers blood pressure, as well as anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

And next week, the same group of researchers will say Oops! that’s not strictly true, and all those tasty foods actually lead to brain cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

The war against saturated fats was total bullshit from the start, was based on distorted and in many cases untrue data, and the whole “no-fat / low-fat” campaign was akin to heeding the advice of a guy wearing a wizard’s hat.

A pox on all of them.  Eat what you want, in moderation.  It’s gluttony that kills — hell, drinking too much water is deadly — so go out there and live your life the way you want, not the way some busybody doctors or (even worse) government flunkies want you to.