Oh, Great

Apparently Mexico has elected a Commie rat bastard [some redundancy]  to be their next El Presidente.  How nice.  As if we don’t have enough of them ourselves in Congress, California, New York, Austin, Berkeley etc., now we’re going to be dealing with imports as well?

Needless to say, other Commies from all over are racing to offer their congratulations to Comrade Obrador.  (I love the fact that BritCommie Jeremy “Shitbreath” Corbyn has hailed Obrador’s election as a “new beginning” for Mexico.  Given Communism’s track record, it would be more accurate to call it the “beginning of the end” for Mexico.)

Oh well.  Now we really need to build a wall (e.g. as it was in Cold War Germany, with machine-gun towers and minefields) to keep the desperate Commies from flooding over the Rio Grande in even greater numbers (see:  Venezuelan refugees streaming into Colombia and Brazil).  If you thought the illegal Mexican border-jumpers were desperate before, just wait till Obrador’s policies force Mexico even deeper into the shit than they are already.

I also love the fact that the dear comrade’s campaign was positioned as “anti-corruption”, when we all know that under every Communist regime ever installed, all the guys at the top get massively rich from… corruption.  Mexico will be no different.

If this wasn’t happening so close to our borders, I’d just order up (and eat) a megaton of popcorn while watching the place implode.  But ugh… the Mex/U.S. border is only a few hundred miles south of where I’m sitting, and this is not going to end well.

Maybe a moat, as well as machine gun towers and minefields…?  How say you, O My Readers?

Printer Update

Unless anyone tells me a serious horror story, I think I’m going with this combo:

Simple, cheap, cheap-to-run, duplex and small footprint (remember, I’ll be in an apartment with limited counter space).  And I’m not into the Amazon replenishment thing, given that each toner cartridge will last me about a year, and by buying two, I’ll just buy a new one each time the first one runs out.

I’ll only be ordering it around the end of the month, so feel free to disapprove of / shoot down my choice.

And many thanks for all the advice.

Weekly News Roundup

 1) ‘Ice Pick Killer’ During Texas Execution: It ‘Hurts’Good.  Wish it had hurt more.

 2) SCOTUS Judge Anthony  Kennedy To Retire In JulyLiberals’ hair catches fire for the umpteenth time since November 2016;  End Times predicted.  I’d say more but I’m deafened by conservatives cheering.

 3) Bronx will elect a hardline Commie to Congressoh wait, that’s not news, sorry.

 4) Commies Go Apeshit In New YorkWashington D.C. And Portlandsorry, not news eitherWhat should have been news was that cops opened fire on the anarcho-assholes, but sadly, that didn’t happen.

 5) Germany Crashes Out Of 2018 World Cup — …which makes it twice in seventy-odd years they’ve had to retreat from Russia, only this time they can’t blame the weather. 

 6) Britishland Continues To Melteven the swans are being boiled alive:

…and people are (mostly) getting tanned:

…but some are unaffected by the heat: 

7) SCOTUS Tells Unions To Quit Stealing People’s Moneynext on the agenda:  abolishing public-sector unions altogether.

And finally:

 8) Warning Issued Over Drinking Too Deeply Of Liberal Tearsdon’t care.  Cheers, everyone.

RFI #2: Printer

As I got such valuable input from y’all in my search for a vacuum cleaner, I’m throwing out another plea for help on the choice of a printer.

I need one that can work off a wi-fi network, but I’m ignorant / agnostic on the old inkjet vs. laser printer decision.  Actually, come to think of it, I could be satisfied with a USB cable-only printer if there’s a massive price difference.

I’m not interested in the do-it-all printers because I already have a good scanner, I cannot imagine any scenario where I’d need to send an actual fax and, from memory, the costs of said printers are outrageous.

A decent / low price is important simply because I only print about a dozen or so pages a month, and full color is unimportant.  Ditto cartridge / ink costs, which are really important.  Getting a $99 printer only to run up $1,200 a year on ink is counterproductive.

Most important is that I want a printer that doesn’t spy on me and send copies of whatever I’ve printed back to the manufacturer (I’ve heard that Brother printers do this, but my info may be out of date).  It’s not that I’m getting up to mischief on my computer, it’s just that when I do print stuff out, it’s generally taxes / financial / credit / legal stuff, and I’d rather keep all that private.

The last printer I actually bought for myself was a Hewlett-Packard HP500 inkjet number back in 1992, which should give you an idea how far behind the curve I find myself.

I await any and all recommendations.

Still Not Truckin’

Looks like I got it right:

Shortage of truckers is stifling the economy.

Recruiters that show up daily at TDDS are offering jobs that pay $60,000 to $70,000, with full benefits and a $4,000 signing bonus.

I suggested in my earlier post that this would leave the door open to illegal aliens being hired for trucking jobs by desperate trucking firms, but I think that we’re missing an opportunity here.  Why not invite foreigners to do the jobs, on the equivalent of an H1-B visa, i.e. a temporary work permit?  But I don’t mean just anyone:  I’m thinking Eastern Europeans, specifically Poles, who are already doing a lot of long-haul truck-driving in the EU.

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