Here’s a headline I can get behind:
Bavaria orders Christian crosses to be hung at the entrance of ALL government buildings
…and the rationale is equally pleasant:
The German state’s government said the crosses should not be seen as religious symbols, but are meant to reflect the southern state’s ‘cultural identity and Christian-western influence’.
Needless to say, the Usual Suspects are outraged, as always, but fuck ’em.
I’ve been to Bavaria many times, and I can’t say I’m surprised at this. From what I’ve seen and gathered, southern Germans have more in common with American Southerners than they do with their northern compatriots. They’re (relatively) conservative, deeply religious and fiercely patriotic.
Good for them. Let’s see more gestures like this, thrown in the teeth of the creeping socialism and nihilism of modern society. And not just in Bavaria, either.
As a reminder: I’m not even a Christian, and this pleases me.