Your suggestions in Comments.
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5 Worst Uses For Your Dick
Ranked in order of foulness:
- peeing on the flag
- waving it at your new ex-wife as you walk out the courtroom
- as a prop in your “How To Make Sausage” class
- slapping a midget across the face
- impregnating Amy Schumer.
Your suggestions in Comments.
Gratuitous Gun Pic – Marlin 60 (.22LR)
There’s only one word to describe the Marlin 60 — more of which have been sold worldwide than any other .22 rifle, ever — and that word is FUN. Fifteen rounds of .22 in the tube, a backyard full of old tin cans… I know, that’s so old-school these days, but remember whose website this is. But don’t take my word for it.
Reader Brad_In_IL (who suggested this GGP) writes of his Model 60:
Before moving from the frying pan to the fire (MA –> IL) I bought my ’60 from my fave LGS. I paid something like $70 for it from the used rack. I can’t speak to the history of my particular rifle, other than it was built in 1990. When I bought it, the condition was “barely out of the box” almost new.Like so many other firearms, my ’60 is much more accurate than me. Still, the gun is hoot to shoot, more fun than a barrel of monkeys, etc. Spinners are among my favorite targets because immediate feedback. My ’60 tends to like higher velocity .22lr fodder, though CCI Standard also functions well. One ammo in particular which the rifle does not like is Federal Auto Match target grade. My Browning Buckmark also does not like the Federal, so I’ve quit buying it. Different owners may have different experiences.Cleaning is straight forward, with one small but important caveat. Upon reassembly after cleaning, it is VERY easy to bend the recoil spring. Ask me how I know. That said, I ordered a couple extra and ALWAYS keep one in the range bag.There’s a whole crowd of people who talk smack about tube-fed rifles. Personally, I don’t mind ’em. One accessory item I do recommend for anyone with a tube fed 22 rifle is the Spee-D-Loader. I bought the Spee-D-15 which holds 15 rounds of .22lr in each of its eight tubes for a total of 120 rounds. Best accessory I’ve ever bought for this rifle, hands down. Here’s the link to Spee-D-Loader products.So there you have it. This is my rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is MINE.
You Can’t Say That
From Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail:
QUESTION: Why is it that when a middle-aged, white politician even so much as winks at a middle-class woman these days, Westminster howls sexual harassment; and yet, when large groups of Asian men systematically rape and torture underage girls over the course of several decades, the story barely registers a blip on the BBC news radar?
Silly rabbit; just to ask the question is rayciss. [he mansplained]
“Dear Dr. Kim”
“Dear Dr. Kim,
I recently read this article written by a relationship expert who claims that men have to do these five things in order to get some action from their ladies. Here’s the list:
- Take away the stress
- Stay connected
- Surprise her
- Give her space
- Make her feel special
What do you think?”
— Desperate, Melbourne
Dear Desperate,
It’s a load of old bollocks. I didn’t even have to see the picture of this “relationship expert” to know it was a woman — there’s wishful thinking written all over each of those pathetic suggestions. Let me address each of them before I offer up my own tried-and-tested, guaranteed-not-to-fail suggestions that will have your lady at your complete priapic command.
- Take away the stress — if the thought of bonking you is stressful, I’d suggest taking away all the stress by bonking someone else who isn’t stressed-out by the prospect
- Stay connected — considering that you’re offering her the ultimate in “connectedness”, I have no idea what she means by this
- Surprise her — yeah, and don’t you be surprised if she reacts negatively, followed by having you arrested for “spousal rape” (which is apparently some New Thing advocated by Teh Feministicals)
- Give her space — in all likelihood, she already takes up most of the marital bed anyway; so give her even more space by getting into someone else’s bed (see above)
- Make her feel special — if she’s refusing to have sex with you, that’s all the “special” she’s entitled to; so feel free to make someone else feel special (see above, again).
My own no-fail suggestions are quite simple, albeit costly:
- pay to have her kitchen remodeled
- buy her diamonds
- buy her mother a new house (in another city — you don’t have to be stupid about this, after all)
If you’re unwilling to spend this much just for a roll in the old, familiar hay (and nobody can blame you for that), but you’re okay with spending some money just to get laid, send me a private email and I’ll send you the phone number for Madame Fifi’s House Of Carnal Delight. If you don’t want to spend any money at all to get your rocks off, you need to grow up, my son: sex is never free. Even when you’re married.
–Dr. Kim
Quote Of The Day
From some very perceptive guy in the Comments at Insty’s:
“Liberal women think all men are pigs because they hang around with liberal men. Conservative women don’t.”