I managed to get hold of an email sent to the White House’s Office of Personnel Management yesterday, and here it is, as sent.
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Random Totty
Today we’re going to look (in some detail) at Camila Giorgio, who in her early thirties has recently retired from an unremarkable career in tennis:
…and moved into a different kind of career altogether.
No, not music. While it is generally true that tennis totties have nice legs, Camila’s are sensational.
Tennis’s loss; our gain.
Utter Suckage
I see that Phil Collins is in a deep funk:
The drummer-singer for the band Genesis who became a chart-topping solo artist, says he has no drive to make new music because of severe health issues.
“I keep thinking I should go downstairs to the studio and see what happens,” Collins tells MOJO’s Mark Blake. “But I’m not hungry for it anymore. The thing is, I’ve been sick, I mean very sick…”
Collins suffered severe nerve damage following a spinal injury in 2007 and has had deteriorating mobility in recent years, meaning that for Genesis’s farewell shows in 2022 he had to sing sitting down while his son Nic played drums.
I know, I know: everyone gets old, everyone loses the will to do things, all that. I just can’t face it happening to Phil Collins.
I also know that a lot of people got very sick of Phil Collins during the late 1980s and early -90s, because it seemed like you couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing his voice.
But let’s get real about this. Quite apart from his singing, Phil was an absolute monster behind a drum kit, an integral part of Genesis’s music behind the mixing desk, and then there’s the fact that it was his voice that powered Genesis into the stratosphere when nobody thought they would survive the fallout of Peter Gabriel leaving the band.
His contribution to rock music has been incalculable, and to see him leaving the music scene makes my heart break.
Hang in there, Phil: life can be a cast-iron bitch sometimes, but just remember that yours has made a whole lot of other lives better — hell, never mind “better”; wonderful would be no exaggeration, if my own experience is anything to go by. Take at least a little comfort from that, buddy.
I think I’ll go and listen to a couple of Genesis albums now.
News Roundup
“Arms & Cycle Works”… in MassiveTwoShits, even. Anyway, on with the nudes news:
...to the total surprise of nobody except doctrinaire bureaucrats and socialists [some overlap]. And speaking of doctrinaire bureaucrats:
...should have been with a “No-Talent” agency, but I guess CAA figured that they could use an experienced blow-jobber in their organization.
And in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:
...little known fact: “Ed Miliband” is actually a Welsh expression which means “stupid cunt”.
...but cynics among us ask: “Before we get all worried and stuff, do we know WHICH city? Because if it’s NYfC, Beijing or L.A., well then…”
...and people are aghast at what may happen. On the bright side, it could have been Netflix. Whatever; I don’t care because I haven’t watched a Bond movie since Sean Connery quit.
...it’s a good thing, then, that she’s actually a fictitious character in a movie. And to think that these “researchers” were actually paid for this bullshit study.
And in speaking of wasted money, as we attempt to Murder The Deep State©:
...a few dozen billion here and there, and pretty soon you’re talking serious money.
...buh-bye. Nice to be able to save the expense of at least one “buyout”.
...is anyone surprised that this fat grifter is involved in Bidenesque slush money? No? Me neither.
From the Dept. of Constitutional Rights Protection:
...yup; a right delayed is a right denied. You don’t even need to be a lawyer or Constitutional scholar to know that.
In the Dept. of Education:
Here’s something that nearly made it to Insignifica:
...the whirring sound you hear is that of David E. Davis and Jean Lindamood spinning in their graves.
And in our no-strings
And as we continue our stroll down :
...it would probably be more accurate to say, “mama’s still got them“, but whatever; I report, you decide.
And that’s the news, all busted out.
Seems as though you can’t do anything these days without being spied on by the fucking Government:
Recent revelations confirm that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has been aggressively expanding its use of facial recognition technology, raising significant concerns about mass surveillance and unconstitutional tracking of law-abiding gun owners.
For years, gun rights advocates have warned that the ATF’s use of facial recognition would lead to mass surveillance of American citizens—particularly those who exercise their Second Amendment rights. Despite repeated claims that the ATF doesn’t engage in biometric tracking, a 2021 Government Accountability Office report revealed that between October 2019 and March 2022, the ATF conducted at least 549 facial recognition searches.
Of course, it’s not actually the ATF doing this (a.k.a. plausible deniability):
The technology was largely powered by third-party vendors, including Clearview AI and Vigilant Solutions, both of which have amassed vast databases of billions of images scraped from social media, DMV records, and security footage. This means the ATF has been leveraging private sector databases to track and identify gun owners without their consent.
The full scale of this surveillance remains unclear, but newly surfaced documents indicate that the ATF has been working with FBI fusion centers, state and local law enforcement, and even foreign intelligence agencies to develop more comprehensive tracking capabilities.
Here’s the thing: I don’t want to be spied on by anyone, let alone these government thugs.
I don’t care that it helps “security” or any other such panacea. Take your snooping devices and go fuck yourselves.
That said:
Oh, and new-FBI Director / ATF Acting-Director Patel? Take a long, hard look at those “FBI fusion centers” and make them less malevolent — lest you too be labeled as just another government thug.
Information, we’re always being told, is power. And I want the government to have a lot less of both.
Some Detail Required
In the above post, I refer to the FBI “fusion centers”. For those who went “Huh?” at the term, here’s a good background piece, framed inside an overall theme of the militarization of the police (which I’ve ranted about often before, as it happens). Here’s an excerpt:
Fusion Centers are hubs for local, state and federal police to share information. They’re effectively intelligence-gathering done by various police agencies who pool their resources. While this isn’t an uncommon practice, the Fusion Centers have virtually no oversight and are filled with zeal for the War on Terror. While its primary existence was to surveil in the fight against terrorism, Fusion Centers have quickly ballooned to gather intelligence on just about anything – and it’s not just the police. The military participates in Fusion Centers, as does the private sector, which means they’re a privacy nightmare.
The federal government has pushed Fusion Centers and largely bankrolled them. Hundreds of FBI agents work with Fusion Centers, with the federal government providing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid. In the case of the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center, the federal government created a Fusion Center at the state level, only eventually turning control of an ostensibly state agency to the state. 30 percent of these “state” agencies are physically located in federal office space.
Private sector companies collect, store and analyze data for Fusion Centers. This would be dangerous on its own, but the lack of any oversight makes it particularly troublesome. Even if a private sector has the best of intentions, malicious third-party actors could access some of your most sensitive data if it’s been datamined by a Fusion Center. A company without the best intentions can do all kinds of “government-approved” snooping into your personal affairs.
And there you have it, in a nutshell.
Read the whole thing, because while it may contain a whole bunch of stuff you already know about, there’s no harm in being reminded about it, as I was.