Nazzo Fast, Boss

Okay, God-Emperor DJT has made his first misstep — in my eyes, anyway.  Here’s why:

Trump responded to a reporter’s question about whether he would halt relief aid to California because of their sanctuary city policies.

TRUMP: I want to see two things in Los Angeles: Voter ID, so that the people have a chance to vote. And I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state. Those are the two things.

Okay, here’s the thing.  I don’t think that POTUS / the FedGov should involve themselves in state politics, no matter how egregious the wrong being addressed.

I have no issue with the voter ID thing, because that has a direct impact on federal elections (e.g. for POTUS/VP), so whatever leverage he can apply to get that problem sorted out is fine.  Californians should not be able to rig the voting system (as they are), and that’s that.

But the water thing?  Nazzo fast, Guido.

The point is that in this regard, it is only Californians who are being hurt by the stupid Green policies of the CalGov.  It’s not a national issue, but a state issue.  If Californians continue to vote for the people who are in thrall to fucked-up policies like the water-related ones, then more fool them.  If they want to change those policies, they have to vote for change.  It’s not the business of the FedGov, ergo  nor that of POTUS.

It’s a step too far.

Even though I love the idea of Californians getting their noses rubbed into it, it’s wrong.

Make it just the voter ID issue, DJT, and we’ll be cool.

Quote Of The Day

From this guy:

We are currently watching the wokest elements of the left realizing in real time that they are a tiny minority and that most Americans hate them and their ideas.

And I’m enjoying it as much or more than he is.

Monday Funnies

So enough politics… let’s start the week off with the usual smut ‘n triggers.

#SouthAfrica #California #TexasInJanuary

Now a brief commercial message:

…and then back to our normal programming:

And speaking of smut on the Internet:

Now go shooting, and I hope you have as much fun as she did.

Timeless Wisdom

On this website, I have said time and time again that the reason I look so closely at British politics and society is that what happens Over There inevitably follows Over Here.

So I beseech you with all my heart to watch the discussion entitled The Fall Of England, between historian professor David Starkey and comedians (!) Konstantin Kisin  and Francis Foster. 

It is a very long discussion — over an hour and a half — because to be quite frank, it’s a topic that absolutely cannot be encapsulated in bullet points and bumper stickers.

And you should then understand the absolute magnitude of the task that faces us MAGA folks, because in some regards we are worse off than the Brits.  The only thing in our favor right now is the fact that we may have elected our equivalent of Argentina’s Milei — I hope — whereas Britain (England) has no such figure either present or on the horizon.  The Margaret Thatchers of England don’t come along that often to save the day, and to be honest, we don’t get them that often either.

Listen, and learn.