Not Revenge; A Reckoning

That lovely quote from the movie Tombstone  came to mind when I read that Kash Patel was confirmed as FBI Director by the Senate.

I hope, nay even expect that there’s going to be some kind of Mass Resignation Event among the Fibbie senior management — and there fucking well should be.

There has been a lot wrong with the various alphabet agencies who are nominally charged with looking after the American people, in that they seem to have misinterpreted their remit as “looking at” the American people, much in the way that an owl looks at a mouse.

The FBI has proven itself to be particularly at fault because they’ve gone after concerned parents, Catholics and who knows who else in a totally misdirected — and I use the word advisedly — identification of harmless folks like these as “enemies of the nation”.

How they might regard gun owners like myself we will not speak, because the actions of their vaunted SWAT teams speak for themselves.

So Kash, ol’ buddy, get in there and start rooting out the assholes — I’m pretty sure you know who they are — and don’t content yourself with just firing them;  prosecute all those worth prosecuting, just as they have unjustly done to otherwise-innocent people in the past.  (Ask the President how it feels.)

And while you’re there, shut down the stupid departments like Human Rights, not because the motives behind their creation were incorrect, but because the people managing them ended up using those motives as a pretext for harassing and indicting people in the most aggressive and venal manner.

It’s called “turning the tables”, and I can think of no worthier targets than the people who initiated and carried out those actions.  They have, in short, betrayed their public trust and caused the public to fear, loathe and despise them, and they deserve to be severely punished in consequence.

New Arrival

This is either good news, or terrible news.

Oy.  As if we didn’t already have enough Merchants Of Death around these parts;  now I’ll have to resist the lure of one of my all-time favorite Merchants Of Death, right next door to the Galleria Mall off the corner of the LBJ and Dallas North Tollway.

Not just gun lust, but old-timey gun lust, FFS.

Their new address:  5304 Alpha Rd, Dallas TX 75240.

Opening date:  TBA, but it’ll be soon.

Aaargh.  Now I can’t even deny my inner urges with the “But they’re too far away!”  excuse.

Vey ist mir.

Quote Of The Day

Talking about an “assault weapons” ban, said piece of shit having been sent to VAGov Youngkin for his signature:

“Nobody needs to go hunting with an AK-47.” — State Sen. Jennifer Boysko (D)

Well now, that kinda depends on what you’re hunting… dunnit?

I’m not up to speed on Virginia’s political composition nowadays, but I hope that Youngkin will veto said abhorrence toot sweet and not have it overridden.

And one last thought:


Apparently Smith & Wesson are discontinuing the disgusting Clinton-era revolver locks.  Details here.

And about time, too.

I should point out that my own J-frame lightweight Mod 637 has a lock:

…but it has never suffered an “inadvertent” lock-up as a result of recoil, although Smith’s scandium-framed revolvers are reported to suffer occasionally from this malady when shooting heavy magnum loads.

Whatever;  maybe I should think about replacing the old backup with a new “no-lock” piece…


If I do, I’ll raffle my old 637 to my Readers who live in states where I can ship it to without having the godless ATF crawl up my ass.  Or I’ll just give it back to its original owner, with thanks.  Watch this space.

Next on the agenda:  getting Ruger to stop disfiguring their guns with that stupid “GUNS ARE DANGEROUS!!!!” billboard on the barrel.  (Fuck you, we all know that, you foul poltroons.)