...hope you stay there, you miserable Commiesymp fuckers.
And speaking of aphrodisiacs:
...following the example of their founder, no doubt.
Silly Jews, thinking they’d be safe in Amsterdam. Speaking of stereotypes:
Introducing our latest feature department:
...it’s just too bad it wasn’t by hanging.
And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...wait till they start machine-gunning the rafts.
...Africa wins again.
...those damn Swiss raaayyyciss.
...as noted by Insty. Also:
...and my simple solution:
In Furrin News:
...yeah, okay. Wave to the millions of CCTV cameras, wear a miniskirt in Bradford, enjoy those 24-hour waits in the A&E/ER rooms and just don’t post anything “anti-social” or “hateful” on the Internet. Same topic:
...coming soon to a Blue State near you.
Great Moments In Marketing:
...an easy mistake to make, if yer a perv.
In Entertainment News:
...keyword: Manchester. And to the surprise of no one, here’s the “BBC star”:
And in link-free pic-free
...and even if I used her real name, you still wouldn’t know who she is.
...said tape probably applied by her bedtime companion.
And in the ultimate news summary, where one picture really is worth more than 1,000 words: