And in more electrifying news:
...just one among oh-so many auto manufacturers to do so. Also:
...and the hits keep on coming.
...LOL so this “rebrand” thing is just a tacit acceptance that they’re going to sell a lot fewer cars. And speaking of failing British auto companies:
...I guess it depends on what you call “capable”. And then there’s this good news for them:
...except that for your average status-conscious poseur, Hyundai doesn’t carry quite the same cachet as Range Rover. Another product doomed to fail.
...of course, it’s the KrautGov that’s obsessed with the eco-bullshit. The Krauts themselves? Not that obsessed, as the VW factory closings are proving.
Now for some Political Prisoner News:
...LOL he was going to pardon them all anyway, but now he’s got the cover so the Socialists can hardly get upset — although they will, of course. And for regular criminals: the Brits don’t have enough trouble with their home-grown criminals already.
...this barely qualifies as a headline anymore.
...ah yes, that well-known Hezbollah respect for the concept of “cease-fire”.
In Medical News:
...keyword: India. (Yeah, not the NHS this time, but it’s still early.)
...just saying what we knew all along: all a load of bollocks, a mixture of fear-mongering and theater.
...and a direct DNA link to Keith Richards and Willie Nelson.
Now for some non-pictorial
...proving that Holy Government is no different from any other government.
And as we hurtle down :
...”Who she again, Kim?”
...ah yes, that hottie gymnast from LSU. Now no longer a student:
And on that sunny note, we end this Roundup.