First Issues

I’ve been watching the events unfold over in the UK, and not for the entertainment value of a bunch of working-class people boiling over with rage at how the masses of immigrants have more or less taken over their country — and yes, it is their country.  I would venture to suggest that a huge majority of the protesting working class folks have roots in Britain that go a lot further back than those of the many “immigrants” (legal and illegal) that now live in Britain, and let me tell you, that has to count for something.

You see, their forebears endured all sorts of hardship for King and Country — the trenches in WWI-era France, fighting against an evil empire, and having their cities bombed and their civilians killed by the next-gen evil empire, to mention but two.

I’ll bet that a huge number of those protesting working-class men have ancestors who go even further back:  ancestors who fought for king and country at Balaclava, Isandlwana, Waterloo, Malplaquet, Trafalgar and countless other times when their king (and sometimes their queen) asked that they make the supreme sacrifice for the sovereign and their country.

It is a long and storied heritage, and one quite worthy of veneration.  In fact, I envy them that heritage.

So when you see that this heritage is being subverted and dismantled by wave upon wave of people who do not share that heritage, who would seek to replace their system of ancient British law with some loathsome gobbledygook like shari’a, wokism, Communism or a ghastly combination of all of these, where individuals have no rights and their basic freedoms of thought, religion and speech can be suppressed by some new regime of oppressors, a regime actually supported by their elected government over their own — and it must be said, shared — heritage… well, small wonder that ordinary people are rising up against it.

And needless to say, the powers that be — in this case, the horrible governing Labour Party, but it’s difficult to see how the Conservative Party would have behaved any differently — have described these disaffected people with all kind of sobriquets  (“Right-wing thugs” being the most common) and even gone after those who support the protestors by their own speech, with elderly people being arrested for Facebook posts and other online methods that, so far, fall outside government control.

Small wonder too that this new breed of totalitarians, this ghastly soup of bureaucrats and politicians, want to clamp down on the freedom of speech;  only this time, they want to extend their reach past the shores of Great Britain and prosecute citizens of other sovereign nations for daring to speak against them and their terrible actions.

We (citizens of said other nations) are being cautioned to avoid going anywhere near the UK, lest the British government use that opportunity to arrest us in situ  (where we are beyond the help of our own governments) had we ever dared to voice opposition to them and to their actions.

I love Britain.  Well, let me expand on that a little.  I love the British heritage, its history, its castles, its monuments, its countryside — hell, I even love their silly Royal Family — and I’ve visited there often, enjoying every single minute I was there.

No more.

Simply by writing this post, I could be added to some BritGov list of undesirable people and face arrest at the airport should I ever be in a position to go back there.  So why take the chance?

A number of my British friends — and I have many — have told me in no uncertain terms that they are making concrete plans to leave their country of ancestry and birth for other climes.  “I don’t care for where the country is headed” is a common theme, but here’s one — a classic libertarian — who responded in a completely different manner when I asked his opinion of current events:

That should tell you all you need to know.

The bobby’s helmet used to be a symbol of all that was good about British policing:  unarmed, civilized, part of the community.  Now it’s synonymous with government thuggery (although it’s instructive to note that they don’t wear those helmets anymore and they sure as hell are not unarmed).

Let’s hear it from Rule, Britannia!

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ “Britons never never never shall be slaves.” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Uh huh.  No wonder they’re rioting.

It’s a good thing they aren’t allowed to own firearms, isn’t it?  (That’s not a snarky comment;  that’s a sentiment most likely being expressed all over the British government and its police force.)

Update:  I see that in my Comments section there have been one or two instances of what might be termed “hate speech” by the Wokists.  I can only hope that more of you follow that fine example.  If I may say so:  the Wokists haven’t seen real hate yet.

Quote Of The Day

From Oasis’s Noel Gallagher:

“What I’ve found creeping into pubs, what you see now in pubs, which you didn’t used to see back in the day, is fucking dogs. I don’t recall stepping over loads of fucking dogs to go to the bogs in a pub in the ‘90s.  Kids and dogs, fuck ‘em off, get home.
“Pubs need to get back to encouraging drinkers through their doors, and stop doing food because I hate sinking a few pints surrounded by waitresses and plates.  Every pub does fucking food now as well. I’ve got a real fucking problem with food in pubs. Fuck off to a restaurant and then come back.”

I’m kind of in sympathy with him (although I couldn’t sing one of his band’s songs if you held a gun to my head).

The hell with dogs, whether in pubs or wherever.  Your dog needs exercise?  Walk it, then take it home, then go out to a pub.

Way I see it, a pub can sell the kind of food that’s more of a snack (meat pies, fish & chips, toasted sandwiches, bags of chips/crisps or bowls of peanuts)… but that’s it.

Don’t even get me started on “gastropubs”, FFS.

The business of a pub is to serve booze to grownups.  End of.

Yeah, I know.  With all this hoo-hah about drunk driving (note to Brits:  “drink” driving is a silly, effete phrase), nobody goes out just to drink anymore.  Ever wondered when we as a society started to become more like children?

When all this bullshit started.

A Question Of Taste

Here’s a story which made me scratch my head:

She proceeds to tear apart the battered fish and dip it into tartare sauce, and then grabs a handful of chips.

So far, so good.  The baffling thing?

Returning to the fish, Bella continues to eat with her fingers.

…which left her Brit readers appalled.

Bella’s unconventional approach of eating fish with her fingers took social media by storm, sparking debate among netizens. One observer posted: “I’ve never seen someone eat fish and chips with their hands.”

I’m sorry?  Eating F&C with a knife and fork is like eating pizza or a hot dog with a knife and fork;  you can do it, but why?  (As my old Zulu buddy Sipho Tshabalala once put it:  “How can you taste the food when you don’t touch it?”  And he’s quite right.)

Americans may be forgiven for not knowing this, by the way, because Over Here one buys fish and chips at a restaurant and eats it sitting at a table, where eating with one’s fingers is generally frowned upon.

But in the true British Empire fashion, fish & chips is street food.  You buy it through a chippy’s window on the street, it comes wrapped in paper (once newspaper, alas no more), and you eat it on the run, so to speak, holding the steaming bag of F&C in one hand while pulling it apart and stuffing it in your face with the other.  (This polystyrene thing, as in the above picture, is yet another clear pointer to the fall of civilization as far as I’m concerned.)

And it tastes fucking wonderful.  (My mouth is watering as I write this.)  Yeah, your hands end up all greasy (as do your lips) from the oil and vinegar — but that’s all part of the experience.

This modern obsession with cleanliness is stupid, by the way, and no more so than when consuming one of the great food dishes of the world.

News Roundup

For my non-Murkin Readers, it’s pronounced “knee-high”.  And speaking of getting your knees up:

...and if you don’t know who Liz Jones is, you’re so much the better for it.

As for the Usual Suspects:

Still on those assholes:

...hey, if it worked for their prophet… besides, you need to go younger and younger to get ’em while they’re still fresh — especially in Iran, it seems.

Let’s hear it from Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...wait:  you mean only allowing harvesting or plowing on Tuesdays and Thursdays could affect crop yields?  Who knew?

And in parallel stupidity:

...let’s give this one a try.  Born with a penis:  man.  If not, a woman.  Then there’s always that XX/XY chromosome test thing, as a fallback.

Time for that EVERYBODY PANIC!!! thing:


...both come courtesy of the Daily Mail, of course.

In Election News:

And in Health News:

...and at the risk of sounding old-fashioned an’ stuff, this never used to happen when doctors kept actual paper files on their patients.

Time for a new department, Totalititarian Chronicles:

...getting a little ahead of ourselves, are we?

And in link-free 


And returning to the “knees-up” theme from the top:

...of course she does, she’s Roller Girl:




And that’s it for the news.

Quote Of The Day

From some tart or other:

“I know he’s proud of me and what we have together, but no one else needs to hear that we sometimes do it five times a night and that my searing orgasms can go on for 15 minutes at a time.”

…which is why you shared your story with The Sun newspaper, right?