Oh, happy happy joy joy.
JPMorgan Weighs Shifting Thousands of Jobs Out of New York Area
If the transplantees don’t want to leave their extended families in Noo Yawk, you folks at JPMorgan can just move them a little further down the BoWash corridor — like, say, to Baltimore. Should feel quite at home there, what with a Democrat government and all, and it’s only a short train ride back up the coast.
I think I can safely speak for all of us Texans down here in the DFW Metroplex: we’re full of New Yorkers.
Instead of infesting filling the rest of America with your liberal asshole cosmopolitan employees, why not open up a new office in Los Angeles? Gawd knows, they need an infusion of business in the Golden Shower State, and the transplanted Noo Yawkers will be quite at home with things like sky-high taxes, sky-high real estate prices, onerous licensing fees and feral anti-gun laws. And the climate is better in SoCal than it is here. Also, in Texas we have scorpions, snakes, poisonous spiders, scary-looking pickup trucks and sometimes, all of them combined:
Let’s not even talk about assault rifles, which can be bought just like candy, by grade-school kids at any corner-store 7-11:
The pastrami is lousy, and the bagels are made by Sarah Lee. There was a vegan store around here someplace (Austin, maybe?) but it closed because they wouldn’t serve chicken-fried okra. And people here think that “lox” is what y’all put on a truck’s toolbox.
And speaking of that kinda thing: Ted Nugent has a ranch just south of here.
(As an aside, we Texans actually think ol’ Ted’s kinda soft when it comes to guns — I mean, he’s even on the board of the NRA, that bunch of compromising pussies.)
One last thought: if you do send people down here, they’re gonna see an awful lot of these:
…all filled like this:
And when your folks converse with the locals, Question #3 will invariably be: “And where do y’all go to church?”
Better have an answer.
Just sayin’.