Over in the UK, somebody had an Uber drive from hell:
Uber driver , 51, exposed himself to young female passenger and asked her to perform sex acts on him
What struck me most about the above incident was that it took a whole year to get this asshole into court. I don’t know if that’s peculiar to Britishland, but I have to think it would have taken less time Over Here.
The other thing I noticed was that the guy was an immigrant from a Muslim country, where such behavior would probably never have seen a courtroom — in fact, the passenger might have been arrested for being out and about unaccompanied by a male relative, had she dared to report the incident.
Still more interesting was the fact that the dickhead thought he could get away with it — that he wouldn’t be reported and even if caught would be let off with a slight reprimand, if that.
No wonder some of my female passengers are a little nervous.
Of course, were I the judge, I’d have sentenced Chester The Molester to a short prison term, but with daily ball-kickings. And publicized the sentence, pour encourager les autres pervertis.
No doubt someone would have a problem with this.