“Epthtein didn’t kill himthelf.”
— Mike Tyson
(Okay, I’m not quite sure he said it; but if he did, it’s accurate. /New York Times)
“Epthtein didn’t kill himthelf.”
— Mike Tyson
(Okay, I’m not quite sure he said it; but if he did, it’s accurate. /New York Times)
This got me going, from SOTI:
We can only marvel at greatness.
And by the way, that was NOT written by my Son&Heir.
Given the situation vis-a-vis the British Parliament’s dealings with Brexit:
…it’s small wonder that the Brits are looking to their heritage to deal with the issue.
Given the state of our U.S. Congress:
One can only wonder when we will start to entertain similar thoughts…
At least 100 rounds of your favorite centerfire ammo; at least 500 rounds of rimfire.
…to our favorite wannabe gun-confiscator, Beta O’Rourke, the Skateboard Jesus (thankee, Iowahawk), from the clown car Socialist slate of presidential no-hopefuls:
Don’t let the gun-butt hit you on the way out, you vacuous little snowflake.
Okay, folks: y’all can stop buying those AR-15s now… or not.
The old Second Amendment joke used to be: “If you ban our guns, can we at least carry swords?”
Over in Spain, where handgun purchases are strictly controlled, the local (actually imported ) scumbags have taken that to heart:
A massive machete brawl that broke out between rival Pakistani gangs on Tuesday night in Barcelona has left one man dead and two others badly injured.
Local reports say that up to 30 men from two groups of rival Pakistani gangs were involved in the street fight where weapons like machetes, knives, and baseball bats were used.
And before we think it’s sectarian (Sunni vs Shia, etc.) violence, allow me to reassure you that it’s the traditional cause of street mayhem:
Police also said that they’re looking into whether the two rival groups had set up the brawl to settle scores that are a part of a drug-related turf war.
I once had an argument with an anti-gun advocate who suggested that knives etc. are better than guns because of the lowered risk of collateral damage. Clearly, he had never actually seen a fight between machete (panga) gangs; but I had, back in South Africa. Absolutely all the participants were horribly injured and a few bled to death before the cops and ambulances arrived.
Nasty things, machetes [puke warning].
Here’s a sample, from Cold Steel:
Brrr… I think I’d rather take my chances with guns, thankee.