Let’s hear from the “tolerant” wing of Gun Control, Inc.:
And we’re the extremists? (More of the same stuff here.)
I suspect that many politicians of the gun-controlling persuasion would clutch their pearls and decry such actions… while secretly egging loons like this on.
I’m also curious as to how he intends to “kill ever NRA member” without using a gun himself. Spear? Crossbow? Kitchen knife?
I know: we shouldn’t respond to nonsense like this because he’s just blowing off steam — at least, I hope he is, or else someone (not me) might find this cockroach, cut his head off and stick it on a pike in his own front lawn. In true revolutionary spirit (circa 1789), of course.
Oh, and Mr. Walker: congratulations. You just gave gun owners yet another reason to carry a gun.