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Boxing Day
…a.k.a. “Thanksgiving, Round 2” in our house — i.e. with the entire family attending. Only instead of turkey, we go Full English, thus:

Which translates into this:
…followed by a South African-style trifle pudding:
…and a cheese plate, in case anyone’s still hungry:
Oh, did I mention the brandy?
See y’all tomorrow. If I survive, that is.
Christmas Day 2019
Oh, and may Santa have dropped one of these in yer stocking:
…and if not that, one of these:
And now it’s time for our Du Toit family Christmas tradition:
Yup. Full English. With Belgian waffles afterwards.
Merry Christmas, y’all.
Virginia Flashpoint #2
“When the vast majority of Virginia counties declare themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries and tell the government to back off, the Senate, the House of Delegates, and Democrat governor Ralph Northam need to pull their heads out of the sand and take notice. They need to listen to their fellow citizens, and then they need to burn and bury that bill. To pass it into law in the face of such resistance is not only an act of tyranny. It’s just plain old stupid.”
And its corollary:
“The Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia features an armed Roman goddess of virtue standing with her foot on top of a fallen figure representing tyranny. Above her is the state motto Sic Semper Tyrannis, which translates: ‘Thus always to tyrants’.”
Lagging Behind The Euros
…and I’m talking about the peoples, not the currency.
Seems as though the Europeans, in country after country, are rejecting socialism.
Why then, I ask, are Americans still even contemplating putting these Commie assholes into power Over Here?
Passing Thought
I don’t see why I, or society in general, should take advice from an ignorant young girl who hasn’t even grown tits yet.
Apparently, the Australians feel the same way.